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Pins in Western Super Mud


Site Supporter
10 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
Kevin Donovan
Just got back from WSM, pins that I found were;

On the pier - Spiderman, shrek and Big buck hunter, all very dirty and dim.

in the street oposite the pier, one arcade had an AC/DC pro ( that giant face on the playfield is just so damn ugly ) and another had an Xmen pro that had just been re-rubbered :eek:

Class, only in a arcade.
I wonder if they have a rubber set on order or will just buy more elastic bands ?
that slingshot has no chance, with a ball stuck behind the rubber bands, probably keeping that leaf switch permanently closed. did the game say 'please wait, locating balls' by any chance?
Wow! .... Xmen looks like it's gone up market since the last time I played it

Xmen Repair.jpg
Sam's bar just off the seafront has a Simpsons Pinball Party, that's the only other pin I'm aware of in Weston.

It's only got standard slingshot rubbers though, I'm afraid.....

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