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Pins and removal men?


Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Will be moving house in the near future, and just wondered if anyone who has moved house and used a removal company used them to move their pins.

I plan to tombstone all my machines and I could let the removal company move them all onto their lorry and take them to the new house. But I am not sure if I trust them - so am considering doing it myself. But 12 pins is a lot to move single handedly. Removal companies move pianos and expensive furniture (not that I have those) so they should know what they are doing.

So what do people think: removal company with the rest of the house contents, or should I do it myself?
I moved earlier this year and decided to entrust 2 pins with the removal company (including my NIB Tron LE). Made sure I wrapped them well and clearly labelled which side to truck from. They both survived the journey unscathed.

Given how tightly they pack the lorry, good packaging is definitely key as they will likely have stuff piled on top. As you say, they have to deal with pianos so a pinball machine shouldn't present a problem. Just make sure you read as many reviews as you can to ensure they are a good firm. Also, if they don't offer a free survey to assess / discuss what you're moving then I'd cross them straight off the list

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With a reputable moving company there should be absolutely no issues at all. It is their job to move your stuff without damaging it.

Can highly recommend


My bother in law manages the Brighton branch. They have nationwide branches. They just moved a friend of mine to Singapore. And have moved several others, who all praise their service. Let me know if you want his contact details.
They moved my 3 with no problems. That is their job, so it should be a lot easier for them than normal folk!
Thanks for the advices and comments. I've had a couple of companies in to do surveys and both said they have moved pins before. One offered to move them separately in a small van with a tail lift, so I think I might go with them then. To hell with character building :D

Thanks for the offer @Sgt GrizZ - much appreciated. But both the ones I have had round are local companies with recommendations from friends so I think I will go with one of those.
Just a note to add. Unless they are a pretty large removal firm, they will almost certainly have no insurance. I know a guy that used to be in the trade and he said that even though they all claim to have breakage insurance, it is far too expensive to buy and it's more efficient to run the cost net. That's fine if you can easily replace a cracked chest of drawers from John Lewis but maybe not so easy for a mint HUO Tron Legacy machine.

Where are you moving to Paul?
It's not the reason, but we've been hunting for about 4 years for a suitable place that has an extra room big enough for the dirty dozen. Hopefully we will have a league meet or certainly Funball Four Series 2 Episode 1 there next year.
Nice one Paul. Looking forward to seeing Pavlov Towers version 2.0 in the future.
I moved earlier this year and enlisted the help of Martin @gopinball to move the machines separately to the furniture which was handled by a removal company. My situation was a little more complicated though, as I had to move machines from both my old place and a friends place, and all the backboxes had to be removed the day before the move as the front door of the new place is too narrow to fit a machine otherwise.

Martin was excellent as always - he came up the day before the move and got all the machines ready, removing the backboxes and helping me wrap them. On the day of the move he arranged for a van with a tail lift and brought a friend to help with the lifting, and as we made sure the machines were moved inside before the rest of the furniture he spent the afternoon unwrapping them and putting them back together whilst everything else was brought in.

He also helped my parents when they moved at the end of last year, although that was a simpler exercise - my dad just didn't trust the movers to take care of his machines.
Sack truck is tempting. There's no footpaths round here, so which side of the road do you reckon I should use: push them on the left, or go on the right so oncoming traffic can see me?

My vote is for the middle of the road - the traffic can wait, you’re moving valuable cargo!
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