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Pinball Today issue one and *new* issue three, scanned in


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
many thanks to @Pick Holder for sending me issue 1 and 3 of Pinball Today magazine.
here is issue 1 scanned in, originally in 600dpi TIFF files but necessarily reduced to allow upload on here. 28 pages in all, may not all be in one post. notable regulars featured are Phils Dixon and Palmer, Craig, Pagett, Poibug, Mark Squires (is he on here yet?) and probably some others too @Sven Normansson @philpalmer, @roadshow16, @steve brum @TYHO

looks like it was a lotta fun back then, and maybe someone could revive this magazine again one day. focuses on fun and irreverence, opinions and nonsense. leave the facts reporting to all the others.

Pinball Today issue one page  (1) v2.png Pinball Today issue one page  (2).png Pinball Today issue one page  (3).png Pinball Today issue one page  (4).png Pinball Today issue one page  (5).png Pinball Today issue one page  (6).png Pinball Today issue one page  (7).png Pinball Today issue one page  (8).png Pinball Today issue one page  (9).png Pinball Today issue one page  (10).png

opinion and discussion welcomed, especially from those who were there at the time (not me)
I remember Graham Bisset - wrote the Spit and Polish article - he was once a regular on the Yahoo group. I remember his storage unit flooded and everyone helped him out ??? Think he is out of the hobby now. He was a big fan of Space Station , once sold me some spare decals for mine, which are still sat here on a shelf :rolleyes: Funny how you remember stuff.

Az Bilton - 'An Ordinary Life' article - again was a regular on Yahoo. Friends with the legendary Terry Sullivan. I *think* he may still pop up on Yahoo now anfd again. I don't really check on there much as my computer cant time travel back to the stone age :D

Actually it goes without saying that anyone involved at the time WAS a Yahoo UK Pinball Group regular. It was the only message board thingy back then.
Happy days! See the Sopranos pic at the end... Nick had one new at the first monster meet and I loved it, hardly ever saw any after that (the dark days for pinball). When one came up a few years back I bought it and have loved it ever since!
Yeah! I'm still waiting for my issue 4 as well...

Forgot about that.
Wow Dan, thanks for this, absolutely crazy to read that story written by a 16 year old me! I had no idea that was in there, or perhaps I had just forgotten. A lot has changed since then, but my Roadshow from @KEITH SMITH still remains. Great times

Cheers, Craig
i'll be scanning in issue 3 soon ... then when @Sgt GrizZ agrees to lend me his issue 2, i'll do the same with that before posting it back to him. seems to evoke a lot of happy memories for you lucky ones that were around in the hobby in 2005
i'll be scanning in issue 3 soon ... then when @Sgt GrizZ agrees to lend me his issue 2, i'll do the same with that before posting it back to him. seems to evoke a lot of happy memories for you lucky ones that were around in the hobby in 2005
I have agreed. You just have to come and get it ( and play pinball, drink beer, talk ****)........ or I could post it ( boring)
dude, you're like 1.5 hours away, ill defo come visit and talk ****, but cannot drink beer as i have to drive home. can you guarantee bacon sandwiches and hedgehogs?

also, this is what i want for my housewarming present please:
:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:@cooldan fantastic work

What a great read. Love stepping back in time and a bit of nostalgia. One things for sure the only thing that's changed are the prices, the people in the hobby are still as friendly.

I lay down the challenge for someone to put together issue 4 (obviously free to those who've already paid) to complete the set. There's plenty of people on here who could provide good stories and interviews from people 'in the trade' :clap::clap:
I use to write and edit my college magazine back in the late 80s, when we laid it all out with blutac and rulers and used photocopiers all around the town - on publication night we tended to be copying all night, going from one photocopier to the next all around university as we broke them all one by one because of the large paper size.

too much work for one person tbh though, and more than enough published on paper and internet to make it realistic to do this nowadays for probably 20-30 copies to U.K. pinheads only, quite possibly a lot less. happy to contribute though if someone else steps up to the plate.
Ha,just read my bit in it

since then two BIG changes, I DID actually make a Ramones Pinball and I am divorced - how life changes eh?

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