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Pinball lifting trolley


Aug 6, 2017
I’m sure its on here somewhere but I want buy a quality, compact, lifting trolley to move my pins around. Ideally something that will slide under neath when not in use. Any advice appreciated for the good the bad and the ugly.
I bought this:


Despite the image the handles fold down onto the bed.

The only real problem with it is that it doesn't go all the way to the middle of the pin. When you lift it off the ground you pretty much have to push down on the lockbar to get it moving.

The longer platform ones seem to be too wide for regular pins (500mm)

I've not been able to find anything in the UK with a long enough platform that will raise it cleanly.
search, there is a thread with a better trolley and the details.
I have one of these at work, could bring to Pinfest if having an extra one there will help? @Big Phil
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