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Pinball Injuries


Oct 26, 2014
Both my elbows are giving me trouble. As I am too tall, I do lean on machines when I play them.

Might pinball be the cause ?

Or at 45, is this just old age, time for me to "Renew" so I might as well just take my chances on "Carousel" ?

Only really had injuries during transportation. Trying to drag the thing out the back of the van and slipped, hit my head on the cabinet latch. That one hurt.
Apart from that it's the usual trapped fingers.
So basically pinball has given you tennis elbow? :tut:
Or at 45, is this just old age, time for me to "Renew" so I might as well just take my chances on "Carousel" ?


Your height will be an advantage, because at the ripe age of 45 you must've been running for the last 15yrs... Just don't develop a soft spot for disused libraries and hoards of street cats.

I do my back in regularly when working in the back box and on an upright playfield - i'm only slightly taller than the UK average and 7yrs past Carousel.
Had the playfield fall from vertical and land on my shoulder. Pretty terrible piece of design. My football table has gas struts like a hatchback, seems almost too logical.
Had the playfield fall from vertical and land on my shoulder. Pretty terrible piece of design. My football table has gas struts like a hatchback, seems almost too logical.
Had one fall on my hand. You should have seen the bruising and swelling the next day.

Your Avatar cracks me up. I really want you to look like that. Brings a smile to my face every time I'm on the forums (and @cooldan wobbley t*ts of course)
Are you guys greasing your playfield hinges or something? The playfield on my F14 is going nowhere once its at 80 degrees or so. Once fully upright it's safe as anything.

Granted my machine is a bit of a banger but it's one area I'm actually tempted to leave in barn-fresh condition...
Are you guys greasing your playfield hinges or something? The playfield on my F14 is going nowhere once its at 80 degrees or so. Once fully upright it's safe as anything.

Granted my machine is a bit of a banger but it's one area I'm actually tempted to leave in barn-fresh condition...
Williams Phoenix caused the damage to my hand. Nothing like the safety features on newer games in those days. Had I just let the playfield fall I would have been ok but I stuck my arm in to stop it slamming down. The playfield was fine, my hand wasn't.
Thread needs renaming. Every one knows these should be called pinjuries right?

Never yet had a session of collecting or returning pins for a show that hasn't also caused one or more pinjuries.

Easter weekend is 8BitFlip so will surely be adding to the list...
Williams Phoenix caused the damage to my hand. Nothing like the safety features on newer games in those days. Had I just let the playfield fall I would have been ok but I stuck my arm in to stop it slamming down. The playfield was fine, my hand wasn't.
Ahh, gotcha. Believe it or not I'd never seen the underside of a playfield until I got my own, so I have no knowledge of anything except System 11 right now. I'm shocked they had it any other way, these things are scarily heavy and are very unfriendly surfaces to have drop on anything.

But good man, I'd do the same. The day that wood, paint and metal can repair itself is the day I'll stop collecting scars preventing stuff from destroying itself.
This is the safest hobby I've ever had... last summer I had a car park crash barrier smash down onto my head while on my bike... tore all the ligaments inside my shoulder which now needs an op...On the bright side, I've not got that many ligaments left to damage now :rolleyes:
I sometimes get a bad back when I'm moving pins on all fours like a tortoise. That's how we all move these right?
I've never had a playfield fall down on me. Are you nudging it with it up?
To be honest i slash my hands to bits doing the washing up. That's why i no longer do it. I'm surprised i don't have any more pinjuries
Stop the tortoise method. I spent two hundred quid on a table lifter thingy - I've wasted a fair amount of money on this hobby and that two hundred quid isn't part of it

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Did my sciatic nerve moving WPT up the stairs and then made it worse helping @replicas put a machine in the back of his van a couple of hours later. Was then off work for 2 weeks, the first week I was unable to walk, not fun.
Not an injury but..
When i picked up getaway it was in a flat up 2 flights of stairs. The guy and his friends were all heavily vaping. We got the machine down the first flight of stairs and the fire alarm went off. Possibly due to the vaping?
As we were coming down the last run of steps the firefighters were trying to get up. Had to politely ask them to wait until we were out the way. They did not look happy. Didn't have the nerve to ask them to give us a hand:rolleyes:
Had one fall on my hand. You should have seen the bruising and swelling the next day.

View attachment 44138

Nasty. My back was similarly bloody. The metal bit that sticks out and rests onto the cabinet dug into my shoulder....and then numerous bits of lamp holders, lamp circuitry and other bits slammed into my back. Quite lucky really. Must'nt have had it fully vertical. Definitely not a mistake you make twice!
This is the safest hobby I've ever had... last summer I had a car park crash barrier smash down onto my head while on my bike... tore all the ligaments inside my shoulder which now needs an op...On the bright side, I've not got that many ligaments left to damage now :rolleyes:
Funnily enough I lowered our barrier in work onto one of my co-workers on a bike, took him out good and proper :D. They've now fitted a flashing beacon and siren to it.

When my first machine, Getaway, arrived the delivery guy refused to bring his sack truck into my house, said he wasn't insured for that or some ********. Anyway we had to carry it in, I had the heavy end of course and badly tore my right bicep lifting it. I was in agony but still got it in the house. I was so keen to get it working I still managed to get it up on its legs with only 1 usable arm, a length of 3 x 2, a milk crate and a pile of old catalogues :D.

Who was it again got trapped inside a pinball machine? I love that story :rofl:
This is the safest hobby I've ever had... last summer I had a car park crash barrier smash down onto my head while on my bike... tore all the ligaments inside my shoulder which now needs an op...On the bright side, I've not got that many ligaments left to damage now :rolleyes:

Where there's blame.......
... Gotta be worth at least a couple of new Sterns... ;)
Had loads of cuts, scrapes and shocks just working on games but the closest I came to death was trying to man handle a Paragon cabinet down my stairs on my own. It very nearly took me down the stairs under it and they'd have been scraping me up if it had :eek:
I still get asked if this scar was from an attempted suicide, by odd types -


Similar to the story above, I tried to stop a falling playfield and it ripped into my wrist and I was lucky it didn't break a bone or need stitches. Opened me right up. Luckily steristrips sorted me out but it hurt like a bastard for days afterwards and now looks like nothing.
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