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Pinball head stuck on :(


May 1, 2012
Blackpool, UK
Got a bit of a problem that needs urgent attention ....

Blackout (Williams System 6) head attaches to the body by 2 long headbolts.

The bolts are jammed in the T-nuts and the T-nuts have broken free from the wood and no longer can grip onto the wood

I spent about an hour last night trying to grab onto the T-nuts from underneath with a large pair of pliers and then with some locking mole grips, but the two problems are that there is barely anything to grab onto and the angles you have to bend your arms to try and lock the grips onto the nut make it a near impossible task.

Anyone got any non-destructive creative ideas? It's got to be dismantled within the next week no exceptions.

There is a takeaway curry and a beer in it for you if you if you think you can do it yourself

Location is RGP's in Blackburn
Try putting a wooden wedge in there so that the T-nuts bite the wood again and then unscrew...???
Nuts are a gonner so can you hammer a socket in from underneath? Slightly destructive I agree.
Last resort, I climb into the cab with my angle-grinder. You may have to wave goodbye to the machine though.... and James' apartment when the sparks fly. :eek:
Super crack. Suggested in another thread and it did the job there too. About £3 from euro car parts.
I've melted my Dremel
Doubt there is any way of getting a hacksaw in
Super crack isn't going to do anything as the problem is gripping the nut as it just spins freely

No one fancy sorting it for a free curry then?

I think the unpleasant solution might have to be trying to angle grind the bolt heads off
Sorry,you're a little far away.
Is this a standard tee nut with the little prongs, or the type used on wpc era games where it's secured to the cab with 3 screws?
If the latter then you could make up a flat piece of metal with 3 bolts through it to align with the holes in the tee nut. A kind of peg spanner.
Just another thought.
You need a junior hacksaw on this luke. Going to take a while though.
Angle grinder here but you'll get serious sparks flying, could cause further damage...!?
indeed.. however the bolts could be jammed due to rust etc... it doesnt say....
I'd buy a new dremel and some cutting bits.... you only have to get 1/2 way through and it'd save your fingers all the pain....
I think Luke has probably got himself stuck in that pinball machine

Also, everytime I see this thread I think of Worzel Gummidge. 'Ooh Aunt Sally, I've got my pinball head stuck on'
I'm going to try attacking it tomorrow night with a drill, and if that doesnt work then well, it's buggered.

I'm fairly sure that it will not be possible to jam up the T-nuts, they've just torn through the original wood, they are really stuck on the bolts :(
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