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Pinball Hall of fame

jack burton

Jan 30, 2014
Had the chance to visit the Pinball Hall of Fame a few weeks ago on holidays in Vegas?

Anyone here ever been?

Really glad to took the trip out to it, got to play a ton of games I never played before. Only thing I didn't really like was that a lot of machines were powered off but I suppose that it can happen.

Its really just a big room with rows of pins and some cabs. One (id say 1/5) of the floor space is dedicated to machines waiting to be restored and there's an area at the back where they are restoring aswell. Condition of the machine ranges from New to OK, everything plays well though and I suppose that's all the counts. Anyone over that was should definitely put some time away to visit it. It could be layed out a bit better and have the place organised a bit better is all id say

I did also go to New York New York which has a pretty decent arcade, they have every modern stern there. Si I got a good bit of time on Kiss, GOT and Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters is one great pin imo, really enjoyed it, could be because of the liecence, but i thought everything about it was top notch
I love the Pinball Hall of Fame, if nothing else, for the massive variety of machines, and the opportunity to place some super rare (some even one off) games :)

I'm up to about 25 days there so far, going next spring, and can't wait to see them expand the place. Tim still has stacks and stacks of machines that he could set up in there if they has more floor space.

I went last April, and there were not that many machines turned off really, maybe they are struggling for volunteers at the moment


Ah just remembered why about 1/5th of the floor space is taken up by machines that are not on. The Riviera hotel was recently demolished (which was home of the Pinball Hall Of Fame 2) so they had to move all the machines out of there and they are stored at the left hand side of the floor until they expand
I'm going in August to Vegas. Will check out hall of fame and NY NY
Also Circus Circus has a couple of hundred videogame machines in the main arcade, plus another couple of hundred spread around the Adventure Dome
I was in Circus Circus, I didnt have a chance to check out the arcade though, I'll definitly try and get another trip to vegas, so I'll keep that in mind
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