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Pinball Expo Chicago thread


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10 Years
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Well it's Expo time again. Very excited and about to depart from LHR.


If anyone is interested I'll post all the stuff that goes down (new JJP game? New Chicago Gaming game? etc) as it happens exclusively here on the very wonderful Pinball Info.

See you all on the other side of the Atlantic.
Enjoy paul - so annoyed I can’t get out this time

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Neil, you'll be at the real Expo this weekend, who needs all that fluff in Chicago! :D
hmm - maybe :D well I hope they move the date of NLP back a week so I can goto both next year :D
pinball expo didn't move; think its been on that date for ten years! the NLP is a week later.
Well it's Expo time again. Very excited and about to depart from LHR.

View attachment 52725

If anyone is interested I'll post all the stuff that goes down (new JJP game? New Chicago Gaming game? etc) as it happens exclusively here on the very wonderful Pinball Info.

See you all on the other side of the Atlantic.

Please do keep the updates coming - have a great time!!
Made it over the water and past the sometimes officious Chicago Immigration officers. This time I had a friendly one who asked the purpose of my visit, and when I said Pinball Expo he started chatting on about how he used to love The Addams Family, despite a long queue of impatient travellers behind me waiting to be let in to the country.

The show starts this evening, and no acount of the show would be complete without a Koi Morris picture, so here it is:


He was busy playing one of the new Star Wars machines being set up in the competition area. There are some rare machines in the lineup, particularly Wrestlemania and that car one that nobody bought.

Talking of cars, lots of people in unfeasibly big cars with personalised plates are turning up.


Hopefully Stever Ritchie will turn up in a big fast red car with the registration Kingpin later.

Tomorrow will be a big day because American Pinball are doing a presentation at 4pm when they will be announcing their second title, apparently. They are an odd bunch: last year they had their own room with a Houdini playfield in it, but none of them seemed to hae a clue about pinball or why they game was called Houdini: Master Magic and not Master of Magic. They did subsequently change it, but I am surprised that they are going to announce a second one. I suppose announcing titles is the easy bit, as JPop learned...

Then at 6pm JJP is going to officially announce Pirates ot C as its fourth title.

I bumped into Jersey Jack just now in the lobby and he was charming as ever, and looked excited by the success of Dialed In and presumably by what he will be announcing tomorrow, although he didn't mention it. It's not a Lawlor title, although I think Lawlor has been involved in some capacity.

Got to go, as its time for the free food and drink bash to kick off the proceedings. Last year John Trudeau played in a band during the meal but somehow I think the music is going to be different this year.


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I hear they've flow in Gary Glitter instead.

Keep the reports coming (if you can). Great to read.
Well just back from the Stern factory tour, and what is becoming evident is that this year's show is quite a bit smaller than in the past. Previously there were at least 6 buses taking people to the factory, but this year there were only 4 and the factory was much less busy than before.


Once again I got Greg Freres as a tour guide, and no photos were allowed in the production side of the factory - although they handed out a factory infographic to everyone:


Still, we learned a few things: they are making lots of Star Wars, as well as GoT, Metallica, Aerosmith, Batman and Walking Dead as far as I could see. No sign of any AC/DC.

Star Wars had the codename Donut before it was announced, a referece to Princess Leah's hairdo, apparently. And the licence stipulates that there has to be a sticker bearing the Star Wars logo on the outside of the box.

The factory is making (maybe completing?) up to 50 machines a day, according to Greg. And he reckons he is probably the 3rd best player at the factory after Keith Elwin and Zach Sharpe.

There was the usual management bo**ocks in evidence:


Gary Stern was being very humble, shaking hands with everyone and thanking them for visiting the factory, and he also made a very short speech in which he said very little, but promised to talk more at his presentation tonight.


And Zach Sharpe was at the exit handing out free Sternorama badges to everyone as they left. What with the new updates on whats going on at Stern including what software updates are in the works its almost as if Stern have started a concerted PR campaign to become better liked. Perhaps JJP and Dialed In are getting them worried.

The seem to be trying to get all their ducks in a row for something...


That's kind of it. No sign of any Guardians of the Galaxy stuff. More later.
Core value No4 is a clue to the next pin! :clap:

Just hope it's not based on the film.
With JJP pirates being loaded with toys, Stern have every right to be worried....
Gary Stern just did a little presentation. Stern sales are up 40% this year compared to last, and TWD and GoT are now out of stock til next year at least.
Lyman Sheats has been working on nothing but Batman these last months, and as Gomez and Sheats are going to have one Gomez promised that it would not be finished until it was great. The machines here are running v0.8 code which will be released next week. It completes the villains, has more speech and has other improvements. Gomex apologized for saying that there would be code drops every 2 weeks, conceeding that that was a naive thing to have said.
Kiss and GB will also be finished soon.

Had a brief chat with Ted Estes about Dialed In. It is also running a new version of code which will be released next week with new call outs and a new wizard mode, and photos for high scorers. A new version of the app will be out very soon, and that will provide a platform for new features like stats downloads. He said code for Dialed In is now about 90% complete.

Time for the Pirates unveiling now...
Well all I can say is that if I was Gary Stern I would be pretty worried by now. The new PoTC looks to be amazing. The playfield has a Black Pearl ship upper playfield which rocks from side to side, a canon that shoots into the trunk for a ball lock, 13 main shots, a spinner made of 3 concentric rings which spin independently and line up many different awards, and much more besides:
there are 105 chapters in the game, taken from 5 different movies. At the start of each game, 25 are picked randomly, which, apparently, gives a total of 3,250,729,616,121,660,000,000 different possible games, so essentially you will never play the same game twice. There's also 5 different multiballs, 5 mini-wizard modes and an ultimate wzard mode.

There's also 5 flippers, 27 targets, 2 magnets, 4 bumpers, 3 RGB edge lit spinners, 230 RGB LEDs, etc etc etc.

And a mini screen just below the flippers which displays awards and things, but also displays a compass pointing to your hearts desire - ie the best shot you can make at any given time.

There's alot, in other words.

And the backbox has the usual JJP LCD screen in it, but this time it blends really well into the rest of the backglass, and it displays a kind of treasure map with features that appear on it. It is quite subtle, and finally I think the big screen in the backbox works.

Too tired to upload pictures now, but I'll post some lunchtime UK time. There'll be plenty elsewhere on the net by then anyway...

Also, American Pinball said they were working on another game but not what it was. But actually Houdini looks mighty impressive. Like a more modern ToM with a screen on the playfield as well as a big colour screen in the backbox. It's slipped under the radar a bit, but I think it could be popular if it plays as well as it looks.

Finally, back in the main vendor hall there is one Big Lebowski. Noone is paying an attention to it and it looks really dated compared to what is coming out now. Two years ago the whole of Expo (apart from me) was buzzing about it, and the Dutch Pinball stand with 4 or 5 machines was packed. Now it just looks a bit sad and lonely...
DP are finished imo

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So PoTC:

I have now had a go on it and it was set up a bit flat so it was quite slow. It feels a bit like The Hobbit in that you don't really know what you are meant to be doing. Perhaps when you get to know the game well it will be amazing, and apparently it has super deep Keith Johnson rules, but a casual play was amazing in terms of looking at all the stuff on the playfield, but meh in terms of the actual fun. Still, it's very early days.

Here are a few pics:

a video of the topper (I think only standard on the collectors edition):

The JJP crew at the launch:


and a video of the backglass in action:

I am sure there will be better photos of the playfield elsewhere.

Also got a chance to play Houdini. It looks great and seems very approachable and fun to play, including an amazing catapult that shoots the ball about two feet into a trunk. Much further than the Aerosmith toybox shot.

My only reservation is the graphics on the backglass which seem a bit amateurish: like Monty Python Terry Gilliam stuff but without the charm or humour. But the game itself is good.



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Yes: colour scheme has changed, plastic ramp replaced with wire forms, much better lighting. Mini screen is now mounted landscape instead of portrait for better overall visibility. It really is very striking looking like ToM with rich sumptuous colours. I'm off to give it another go.
Cheers for the update and pictures. Both machines look great. I actually like the look of Houdini, am a fan of Joe Balcer's designs (ducks behind settee), sounds like it was fun to play?
Cheers for the update and pictures. Both machines look great. I actually like the look of Houdini, am a fan of Joe Balcer's designs (ducks behind settee), sounds like it was fun to play?

Yeah definately fun to play and much more comprehensible than PoTC. Both had people waiting to play them.

Houdini is kind of ToM feel and art with a bit of Game of thrones artwork too. Love the chains on the pop bumpers:


Unlike Billy No Mates Lebowski...

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