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Pinball and ASBOS


Apr 4, 2013

I have taken pins in and out of every type of house and home but upto today I have never given a second thought to the area of use and its anti-social effect on the adjacent properties and neighbours. Now thinking back.......

There's definitely a sound and vibration issue, which on the majority of locations will need to be neutralized.

Detached homes should not have a sound problem, in which case do we apply our own house rules to abide by ???

Do problems become so great we move to the shed/garage or build a Games-room at the bottom of the garden???.

Anti-vibration pads fitted on each cabinet foot, sound turned off and the knocker disconnected will help, but the Slings, bumpers and balls are still making deep clunks ,clicks,and hammer blows which the cabinet amplifies.

Would appreciate any guidance in overcoming the unwelcome visits from furious neighbours, council officials and attendant policemen. Thanks in advance, John

Time of day Specific hours of day Noise level
Daytime 07:00 - 19:00 LAeq 41dB
(7.00am - 7.00pm)
Evening 19:00 - 23:00 LAeq 37dB
(7.00pm - 11.00pm)
Night 23:00 - 07:00 LAeq 31dB
(11.00pm - 7.00am)
We used to have a deaf lady next to my pin room which was perfect. Now we've got an elderly bed bound woman which does cause me to think I'm a bit out of order,

Last year there was a massive row next to us with the two flats upstairs ranting that one of their kids kept making noises that sounded like "a fairground". Got a feeling that they were directing their anger in the wrong directionn:oops:
cover the pin with fire blankets and bubble wrap.
spray that foam all over it that firemen use.
cover the outside of the house in egg boxes.
wrap some tinfoil round your head.
make diversionary noise tactics away from your house (eg firebombs, police bomb threats, semtex attached to cheap trigger etc)
cover the pin with fire blankets and bubble wrap.
spray that foam all over it that firemen use.
cover the outside of the house in egg boxes.
wrap some tinfoil round your head.
make diversionary noise tactics away from your house (eg firebombs, police bomb threats, semtex attached to cheap trigger etc)

I think this would be very appropriate for the after 7:30 scenario , very helpful, don't suppose you have any sketches to aid implementation ?
I live in a terrace house. Pins are in an extension though so not next to a shared wall. I play them until 23:00 and when I last spoke to them, they were surprised that I even had pinballs in the house.
The first few weeks of tron ownership didn't go down well with my neighbours. Had the police turn up late at night after i screamed the house down on my first ever portal drain. They saw the funny side, but i made an effort to make sure my neighbours didn't think i was a lunatic. much.

At the same time as being super duper nice and agreeing to not play after 9pm on weekdays, i stare at them that little bit longer than they expect, just to let them know not to eff with my pin time in anyway shape or form. :)
The 50mm insulation & 45mm log walls does quite a good job of keeping the noise inside the cabin with the volume around 10-12 I think
I live in a terrace house. Pins are in an extension though so not next to a shared wall. I play them until 23:00 and when I last spoke to them, they were surprised that I even had pinballs in the house.

Think a lot of it depends on the age of the house bet yours is old? New builds have poo sound deadening
Totally right Rudi. Mine is a fairly modern semi and you can hear every burp, whistle and fart from next door.

They have kids, so I tend to limit myself to 9pm when playing for that reason.
I used green glue and extra sheet of plaster board, very effective
I can hear them talking next door but based on the fact they are often shouting at each other, they are either deaf or just don't care.
I do get some gratification reading this thread, to know I'm not the only one with annoying ****ing neighbours!!
Next door have a little brat that screams from around 9pm through to midnight every night, so f**K em...

F*ck yeah ! I have pinball soldiers giving their all in the line of duty every day and then I hear reports like this ! Grrrrrr makes my blood boil, ......there are people putting their pinball lives on the line out here for you , you ungrateful little b*stards...now shut the f*ck up . :cool:
When it all gets too much...locate your xbox, insert pinball disc, headphones on and reminisce why you bought the real thing ;)
Live and let live....., if your neighbours breathing really annoys you and your morning coughing makes him mad as hell.........apply the tried and tested....." we have no problems only solutions" theory.

I would not recommend the "He who has the loudest speakers....WINS" proposal, that could rapidly escalate into a very physical reality check and vendetta !

Worth Consideration

Maybe you could split the expense of sound insulation? Is there a grant in your area for this.? How much would it cost?


Anyone gone the sound-proofing route? Did it solve the problem with good result?

Thinking of moving? how's the sound insulation in that new house?????

Just a peaceful sunday thought.... as I crank the Bose speakers to the point where my chest vibrates..and beyond :rolleyes:
F*ck yeah ! I have pinball soldiers giving their all in the line of duty every day and then I hear reports like this ! Grrrrrr makes my blood boil, ......there are people putting their pinball lives on the line out here for you , you ungrateful little b*stards...now shut the f*ck up . :cool:

Hope your neighbours are a little understanding when you take on your 24 hour challange.
I live in an old Accrington brick terrace.

I've asked my neighbors and they said they can barely hear anything. I generally don't play pins after 10pm and they have been fine with that for years, so very lucky in that respect.
Anyone gone the sound-proofing route? Did it solve the problem with good result?

I worked on the soundproofing in my room, used sound deadening plasterboard and the roll of soundproofing membrane (as heavy as lead) only because my daughter's bedroom is above/next to it and the wife wanted it toning down slightly. Also having carpet on the floor helps immensely to prevent the sound travelling. It's not perfect but it has halved the amount of sound coming through
I'm working with this issue at the moment even though I don't know for sure that it even is an issue.

Regardless, it's just common courtesy to make the effort not to disturb others, and for me personally I don't think time of day really comes into it.
I don't want bassy dubstep music invading my day whether its 2am or 2pm and I'm sure my neighbours don't want the sound of hammers (which is essentially what next-door-pinball sounds like) thumping away during their evenings and weekends.

Of course it isn't like you can make a machine mechanically silent, nor would you won't to, but with some work you can at least take the edge of.
Looking into several ideas at the mo, if I nail it ill let you know.
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I have a few tubes of green glue left over, good for atleast 1 wall. We found it to be reasonably effective
versus cost.

I'm working with this issue at the moment even though I don't know for sure that it even is an issue.

Regardless, it's just common courtesy to make the effort not to disturb others, and for me personally I don't think time of day really comes into it.
I don't want bassy dubstep music invading my day whether its 2am or 2pm and I'm sure my neighbours don't want the sound of hammers (which is essentially what next-door-pinball sounds like) thumping away during their evenings and weekends.

Of course it isn't like you can make a machine mechanically silent, nor would you won't to, but with some work you can at least take the edge of.
Looking into several ideas at the mo, if I nail it ill let you know.
Most Sound i would have said transfers through the floor. I know for speakers you can get special "feet" or "pads" what are made of sound absorbing rubber, so stop bass being transmitted through the floor - Check on Ebay - they aint cheap, however might be worth a shot...
Not pinball related but I enquired about sound proofing my living room wall as it's a party wall with my neighbours and their loud music and tv used to penetrate it like a bastard.

I spoke with an acoustics expert (whatever they call themselves!!) and he said sound proofing a room is the equivalent to making it water tight. You could spend thousands on the latest acoustic boards and adhesives etc and notice no difference as the sound would come through ceiling joists.
I decided to leave it. It would have been soul destroying to go through all that effort, re skirting, re coving, bringing the sockets forward , redecorating, to find no change !!
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