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PCB design software and Companies to make prototype boards.


Jul 21, 2011
Northampton, UK
I know there a re a lot of clever mod makers on here.

I need to get a handful off tiny PCBs made up for some testing at work, header pins at one end, RJ45 socket at the other.

whats the best software (and company to print them) to make small volumes?
cool, thanks. I've just been on their website and it looks rediculously cheap, just need to work out how to design the board now!! :D
also maybe take a look at jlcpcb. they have their own cloud software to do the design and the components list is linked directly to their stock so they can even do full assembly if you want.

only found out about that feature recently, pretty neat.
EasyEDA or Kicad software.

If it's just a breakout board you need, that might already exist?
also maybe take a look at jlcpcb. they have their own cloud software to do the design and the components list is linked directly to their stock so they can even do full assembly if you want.

only found out about that feature recently, pretty neat.
Yup ive used these guys a few times before. Throw in the circuit diagram (Well, build it in their tool), Then you can shift component placement around, and either get them to fully/partially populate, or just get them to ship the boards.

Really cheap. The only issue may be that to populate they have lists and lists of components (some available, others not). Isnt to steep of a learning curve.. If i can do it....

Though maybe as mentioned above, it;s alsready available... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175131307669
Awesome, thanks guys.

I'm not sure if the header pins on that ebay one are the correct spacing, but for £12, its worth a go. Worst case is I learn how to use their software in a weeks time.
jlcpcb for me. you can use their easyeda to design the pcb, and if you want components placing it also created the bom and the placement files.
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