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OT: Covid boosters

I thought I was done with this thread but it just keeps going and going. Fear porn at its best.

Talk of stock piling food, buying generators??? It's not a zombie apocalypse!

FFS people get a grip. I had it, my family has had it and I know loads of people that have got it. Don't know anyone that is ill from it. My friend (not someone on twitter or a friend of a friend) was in hospital the next day on an ECG with an enlarged heart after his booster. He has said he is never having another jab as it nearly killed him. That's the worst story I've heard so far.

Cases mean didley squat. The only things that matter are the deaths and if I'm not mistaken, Alec Baldwin had killed more people than Omicron to date in the UK.
The only things that matter are the deaths and if I'm not mistaken, Alec Baldwin had killed more people than Omicron to date in the UK.
Alec Baldwin hasn't killed anyone in the UK - or at least not been caught.
One of my friends is a joiner. His wife (50) who works at Morrissons had the booster. 24h later she ended up having a brain scan as the pain was so bad.

Sent home and told to take it easy.

I mention employment status as there are those who believe that only virologists can have opinions on this.

Problem is that the virologists don't agree with themselves and they don't tend to be experts in mental health/ financial sector/ economies/ cancer/ heart conditions/ kids self harming/ elderly living in isolation, impact of the collapse in the travel/ hospitality industries/ likely inflation/ future tax rises ...
It's not a zombie apocalypse!

Pretty much every other conspiracy has been covered, so getting a Zombie Apocalypse in now too makes sense. By my reckoning, we then just need flat-earth, chem-trails and alien abductors performing anal autopsies and we've got the full house of whacko bat-**** crazy stuff covered in one nice neat post.
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