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OT: Covid boosters

If you are in Wales it will not work, you will be contacted for your booster appointment.
It was coming up vaccination error for us.
I've just got over it. Either Dellta or Omicron I haven't been told.

Double vaxxed with AZ, and I was really quite ill. I could deal with the fever, chills and night sweats but it completely ruined my lungs and made my oxygen levels super low, it's quite scary as the hypoxia makes you confused, incoherent and I also hallucinated due to the low oxygen episodes.

Ended up with three nights in hospital on steroids to deal with the lung inflammation and I'm on a steroid inhaler now for the next week or two.

I go to the gym and I'm a keen swimmer previously at 350 lengths or so a week.

My booster is booked for January.
I’ll 2nd @Alpha1 post, same vaccs and just spent 3 days with same symptoms but not hospitalised, the loss of lung capacity was the worst, closest thing is taking a deep breath holding it, taking another deep breath on top and then trying to breath without letting those breaths out. You don’t realise how much you actually breathe till you can’t!
If you have a choice pfizer booster seems better than Moderna - lots of folk including me have an unpleasant 24hrs or so after that moderna booster - very achey arm.
If you have a choice pfizer booster seems better than Moderna - lots of folk including me have an unpleasant 24hrs or so after that moderna booster - very achey arm.

I can second this - had very minor side effects after my original two doses of AZ but had my Moderna booster on Friday afternoon (walk in, under 40, just over 5 months since second dose) and felt absolutely terrible yesterday. Fever, chills, nausea, terrible headache, muscle aches, light sensitivity, eyes hurting, dizzy, v painful arm, pretty much every side effect there is. Feeling much better today but still not 100% back to normal. I’d definitely recommend making sure you have a day off to recover after the booster.

However, even after experiencing this first hand I don’t think the side effects are enough of a negative to avoid Moderna in favour of Pfizer If you have the choice. The evidence suggests that Moderna is slightly more effective than Pfizer, at least against Delta.

A full dose of Pfizer has 30mg of the active mRNA ingredient compared to 100mg in a full dose of Moderna. The Moderna boosters are half doses, so 50mg of active ingredient, which is still higher than the full dose Pfizer booster and may explain why the side effects can be worse. Personally I’m happy to go through more unpleasant side effects if there’s even a chance of slightly higher protection.

Anecdotally, everyone I know in healthcare recommended Moderna over Pfizer if I had a choice between the two, but if not to go with whichever I could get soonest.
If you have a choice pfizer booster seems better than Moderna - lots of folk including me have an unpleasant 24hrs or so after that moderna booster - very achey arm.
I had the pfizer yesterday and my arm is killing me today
Well worth the ache though.
The one statistic that appears to have been completely suppressed is the number of healthy people croaking as a result of the vaccine itself. Also number of people contracting it after one, two or three jabs.
I've just got over it. Either Dellta or Omicron I haven't been told.

A friend of mine had one of the first few hundred confirmed Omicron cases. She was acting in a play and despite all cast members doing daily lateral flow tests one person managed to spread it to almost the entire cast in one evening.

She’s mid 30s and double vaccinated with Pfizer but not boosted. At first she was testing positive whilst asymptomatic but after around a few days experienced head cold like symptoms for a few days - very tired, sore eyes, stuffy nose but no coughing. Had a tight chest one evening but thinks that was due to anxiety. All in all she said it wasn’t pleasant, but not terrible. Some of her cast members didn’t get off so lightly, but even then it doesn’t sound as bad as Delta. Anecdotal I know, but if it does turn out to spread like wildfire but not be as severe it could be a blessing in disguise.
Had a Moderna booster yesterday. That's three shots of that now, and other than the sore arm, nothing too bad.

The site I went to had 1600 appointments that day, plus walk ins. Was amazing to see how quickly they cranked through people. Looked a daunting queue when I arrived, but all done within about 30 mins
anyone found a source of official stats on :

a) how many people are dying due to the vaccine itself ?
b) of new cases - how many are 1,2 or 3 times jabbed ?
anyone found a source of official stats on :

a) how many people are dying due to the vaccine itself ?
b) of new cases - how many are 1,2 or 3 times jabbed ?

We mainly have the yellow card self reporting system that allows people to report 'suspect' deaths that *could* have a correlation with the patient receiving the vaccine. Even so, the 'suspect' number of 1,645 deaths between 9th Dec 2020 and 8 Sept 2021 is an incredibly low percentage of the 93 million or so vaccine doses administered in the UK over that period. And the official medical evidence suggests only 5 cases of death actually linked to the vaccine. (sourceL: https://blog.ons.gov.uk/2021/10/04/how-many-people-have-died-as-a-result-of-a-covid-19-vaccine/)

Honestly - it's ridiculous that there is so much fear mongering over the Covid vaccines, or vaccines in general. This all started with Dr Andrew Wakefield and his attempt to scam people into using his measles vaccine rather than the MMR vaccine. There's a good video on that scam here that I strongly recommend to any vaccine skeptic:
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anyone found a source of official stats on :

a) how many people are dying due to the vaccine itself ?
b) of new cases - how many are 1,2 or 3 times jabbed ?

When I was in the covid ward at QA only me and one other person were vaccinated.

Obviously there were other wards as well plus the female entity.

However from what I saw the unvaccinated were all on oxygen and some had been for weeks as I asked. Quite a few in their 30s.

I made a point of asking why they weren't vaccinated and it was all a combination of "I didn't think I would get it, I didn't think it was as bad as they said, or I believed the Facebook crap". All regretted it hugely, was nice to see that people can change.

The consultant said I would have been in intensive care without my double jabs. Sobering thought really.

So whilst I don't have data, I would assume:

a) nowhere near the amount of people that have or are dying from the virus or getting serious illness by a huge gigantic margin.

b) can answer this one a bit more confidently based on what I saw in covid isolation for 3 days. Vaxxed to unvaxxed in hospital is about 90/10.

Made a point of talking to the nurses and doctors about that stat too.
One thing I haven't been able to find any data on is this:

If you are fully vaccinated, including booster, can you still contract the virus (symptomatic or asymptomatic) with a sufficient viral load to then be able to pass it on to others?

I have no problem with being vaccinated at all, for whatever condition. Had my first three jabs but haven't had flu jab yet. The main reason for asking is that we're being told that having the vaccination will protect others. If, however, you can pass the virus on as if you hadn't been vaccinated then this argument doesn't hold up. You are in effect getting vaccinated to protect yourself and not others
You were generally less likely to pass it on with 3 as your viral load is generally less.

The Graun has an article today suggesting Omicron is much more likely to infect the vaxed:

TLDR we don’t you know for sure but it seems that Omicron is breaking through the first antibody defence the vaccines provide.

Of course any vax reduces the chance of hospitalisation and death, so it is still good for all of us if more people get vaxed as we’ll give the hospitals more time before being overwhelmed.
anyone found a source of official stats on :

a) how many people are dying due to the vaccine itself ?
b) of new cases - how many are 1,2 or 3 times jabbed ?
At the start of the pandemic we where getting documents internally that where passed down direct from the health secretary departments. Some of the documents are very eye opening and contradictory to what’s being fed to the general public.

Since delta and omni we have had nothing!

What I do know from first hand experience since the vaccines and especially boosters is there has been a massive up kick in red one calls more often than not being fatal, with the individual having a jab or booster within the last week, there will certainly be some revelations down the road about all this.
One thing I haven't been able to find any data on is this:

If you are fully vaccinated, including booster, can you still contract the virus (symptomatic or asymptomatic) with a sufficient viral load to then be able to pass it on to others?

I have no problem with being vaccinated at all, for whatever condition. Had my first three jabs but haven't had flu jab yet. The main reason for asking is that we're being told that having the vaccination will protect others. If, however, you can pass the virus on as if you hadn't been vaccinated then this argument doesn't hold up. You are in effect getting vaccinated to protect yourself and not others
The answer in the hospitals and the covid wards seems to be yes. The rate of infection seems to be on par and the wards here are split between vaccinated and non vaccinated in order to measure it.

My misses is not allowed to work on any covid ward due to being pregnant, which in her opinion doesn’t say much for the vaccine.

I remember when we where in the 2nd lockdown I think and we went to a really nasty smash on the local motorway I couldn’t get any airways fitted in the guy due to his face being a mess and we couldn’t seal a BVM on him due to constantly needing suction so a colleague and I gave the guy mouth to mouth with gauze packed around a face shield, we found out later the whole family where covid positive, we all got 2 weeks off work but none of us contracted it.
Looks like gov is in a panic as they aim to get everyone boosted by end of Dec now. That means every day has to be a new record of jabs given.

I don’t like the sound of this next wave at all.
Looks like gov is in a panic as they aim to get everyone boosted by end of Dec now. That means every day has to be a new record of jabs given.

I don’t like the sound of this next wave at all.
IMHO: it’s all bollix- they are scaremongering. it’s not a pandemic like 100 years ago - spanish flu, and, when you mask out the natural deaths and seasonal flu deaths, it’s actually minor. don’t get me wrong, it’s real and it killed my Mum last year, but it’s not as serious as the authorities are making us believe, IMHO.
It was pretty serious for me when I was in ICU last year and pretty serious for my wife who has been extremely unwell for the past 4 weeks and looks like she won’t be back to normal for a long time yet with breathing problems, very bad ‘brain fog’ and horrible fatigue.

It is real, it is here now, and it is killing people before their time. I’m not sure how anyone could say it’s bollox.
I’ve just remembered you had that miserable time stuck on holiday earlier this year, which gives some perspective on how you might feel.

I’ve not travelled so haven’t been inconvenienced by the time and cost of something like that, so maybe we are coming to it from very different angles.
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