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Gone to Ebay Or Trade: Funhouse project


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Firstly, sorry to Andy Dredds. I promised him I would breath life into the old gal when I bought it this time last year.
However, since my son was born in March! I haven't had time to fart. Truth be told I haven't even played pinball since October!! Just too damn busy. And it's chilly out there.

So the FH.

It's complete. It plays. But with faults. Oh and it's in bits at the moment.
I had a game on it before stripping it. Rudis mouth wasn't working so couldn't get multiball going.
The pf has had the Mylar removed and insert decals installed. So the main pf is preserved. The other areas are worn in places and especially the orbits. But they're mainly covered by ramps.
The display was shaken at the top but it needs a new connector, which I have, just needs installing.
If you research Andy Dredds thread from last year, you'll see his description too.

It'll be a players machine when complete. All you sticklers for a minter need not apply. However with new decals and pf, you could have a minter for around £2k.

I've saved you a couple of hours in tear down if nothing else and I have heaps of pics showing it so don't worry.
The cab is faded and had some bad home touch up done, not covered in dents and holes though if I r,remember correctly.

Best thing if you're interested, give me a ring and we'll discuss it. You can't best good old talking one to one to best describe something, instead of toing and froing loads of emails.

I got it off Andy for £800 and that's what I want back. No profiteering here, no sir.
Gimme £850 and I'll throw in the fruit machine listed separately!!!!

Please remember this is a project. There maybe unforeseen faults, switches not working and the like. As I said it played a game with the exception of Rudis mouth.

I would keep it but my free storage is disappearing soon and I know I won't have time for quite a while yet. I'd rather have a machine I can just play.

I would also consider a trade against a Police Force (stop laughing) or similar value machine with a bit of cash my way.

PM me with any interest please.

Located in ipswich, suffolk.

Here's a few pics

Couple of months later and I would have snapped your arm off!
Sure this won't hang around...
It's Grizzs fault. He said just buy stuff and worry about space and money later.

So I did!!!

Anyway, I gotta go. This Ass ain't gonna sell itself :eek:
Ha ha.

I don't mind. All this publicity just keeps my thread at the top of the pile :D
Come on peeps roll up
Yup, it's obvious from the pics it's a minter, all joking aside, I recently paid around 3k for a superb example (bargain as it was up for circa 4.5k), Phil had one up for around £5-6k, new playfield, cab art and other misc parts and you could have a collector quality machine for way below what I paid but expect to get your hands dirty, I took a £150 loss on this machine as I valued it @ £800 when I sold it to Gaz, he also had to pay transport costs so it actually owes him nearer £900, hope it gets revived into a beauty, I did not have the time or the inclination to do the work but it will be interesting to see who has it and nice to have an update on here if it does get the treatment.
A bit gutted on this one as it's on my want list.

But as it now looks like we're moving house I have to save my cash for now. Doh!!

On the plus side - more rooms for Pins - the missus found a nice place with a double garage today that would be perfect for them, but i've told her to stop looking for now until we have everything in place.
Looks like eBay for this !!
Any trades!! Anywhere!!
Funhouse used to be sought after!
So this sold on eBay in the dying seconds for the asking price!!
Now it's been 3 days since the auction end and I've heard nothing from the buyer despite 4 emails from me.

I ****ing hate eBay!! Argghhgggghhhhhhhhhh:mad:

It's the first time I've resorted to Ebay to sell a machine and boy am I regretting it.

Now granted it could be considered early days yet but I'm getting itchy feet. Personally if I buy something on eBay I want to get it ASAP.

So I'll give it until Saturday and if I've heard nothing, I'll offer back here for £750, which is about what I'll get with eBay fees.

Then I'll name and shame the buyer as he's probably on here.

There still could be a legitimate reason for lack of comms.
In the mean time I'll sit in a darkened room listening to a repeated dialogue telling me not to hurt anyone and hope he comes through !!! :confused:
Sucks :(

Guess I have been lucky with Ebay - never had anyone mess me about with machines.

3 days is quite a while for a relatively expensive item BUT it is possible they just haven't checked. Only last week I suddenly realised I had won a (low value) auction about a week before ! Had totally forgotten I had placed the bid, and hadn't had an email notification. Used to always get them from Ebay saying 'You have won etc etc' but I think maybe you have to opt in for notification now, or they just don't do it anymore.
Oh the buyer knows alright. He sent an email Sunday night asking me to email him. Which I have. Several times.

Maybe it's the ex military in me. I want it sorted 5 minutes ago!
FFS! I hate this. Happens all the time on Ebay. Full of time wasters.

You can start 'Non Paying Bidder' proceedings after 48 hours these days. 3 days is plenty of time to arrange something with a seller. Can you imagine getting away with that on any other selling platform?
I know Dean. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until the weekend. You never know, could have a bereavement or other life drama. Unlikely. But he might!
I might have said this before but just before the house move I "sold" a hatchback panel for a Golf. I said it needed collection in a week and it sold for £0.99. I got a message the following day asking if I was about, I responded that I was and it was fine to collect, giving the guy my full address and phone number. I had no further contact despite chasing four times. He then paypall'd the £0.99 but still no contact. I reported it to eBay as I didn't know if I could just dispose of it, they never responded either.

I hate eBay too Gaz and feel your pain.
FFS! I hate this. Happens all the time on Ebay. Full of time wasters.

You can start 'Non Paying Bidder' proceedings after 48 hours these days. 3 days is plenty of time to arrange something with a seller. Can you imagine getting away with that on any other selling platform?

The only thing you have to watch is that I think the ebay guidance is to not do it until after 3 days - at any rate, whatever it is, the ***** can give you negative feedback for pulling out of the deal, because they failed to contact you quick enough - my wife had someone like this - no contact for 2 days, went for the non payment, day 3 she contacts us asking why it was cancelled, then giving us negative feedback :mad:
I don't get it - if i'd nabbed a Funhouse at a bargain price i'd be rushing round to grab it before the seller changed their mind.

Really hope it gets sorted Gaz. And i'm gutted I wasn't in a position to buy as it's on my wish list.

As it turns out we've decided not to move for now so it means no more space for Pins YET. However we're planning on looking at a move this time next year and after that i'll hopefully be in the market for few more.
Feel your pain Gaz,
The buyer is probably trying to work out how he is going to fit a pinball machine into his mini or he lives in a tower block with no working lift.
Hope it works out for you.
Cheers Daz. Think I'll stick it in the van on Saturday when I go and collect Blackout from Andy. Then if he's cool with it , leave it with him and get him to fix the niggles. Then I'll clean it up and keep it.
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