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Open Diode on a 50v Coil

Solar Sailer

Site Supporter
Jun 22, 2018
And noise entering the circuit. My WPC CPU board does not keep its memory. I've put a separate battery pack in and getting 4.5v onto the board when switched off which should retain the memory. So next on the fault find is this.
In simple terms what am I looking for?

On some of the battery packs they have a small on off switch. These caught me out once!

Also are you connecting to the correct points on the pcb? Or are you using the connector.
I have a switch and checked I was getting 4.5 . I put croc clips on and connected live to bat 1 top right and ground to bat 3 bottom left. Checked and got 4.5 .

CPU LEDs are correct D19 off D20 flashing D21 on constant.

I do have a fried resistor on a opto board that controls a ramp but that's 12v circuit.

So I am thinking a coil has gone bad but I will do a coil test tomorrow i think.
Have you checked the voltage on the pcb itself. You could have corrosion on the battery connections on the old holder.

Your other faults won’t affect the memory issue.
Fit nvram😀

Is there somewhere that can fit them on a WPC for a CFTBL? I don't think it straight forward by the looks of it.
Still need to check if any voltage is passing through D2. No visual signs of anything blown.
There is no corrosion on the battery holder.

Loss of memory happened around the same time when the sound board blew and now replaced it with Pinsound
Please do not take this the wrong way - if you dont really understand what is happening in the back box then see if anyone else here can help you.

Put a thread up saying 'help needed in (insert hometown)'

A lot of people will help you out. But you can do more damage prodding around.
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