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One of my boys is coming home ...... ;)

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
MIA for 4 long years. With no more than rumours to go on, the trail had gone cold. Nothing. :sad:

It was a bad decision, I sent him into the field too soon, he wasn't ready. It's something that has haunted me every day since. The nights are the worst. The long nights ....where is he ?? ....what happened out there ?? The horror, the horror ....

All hope of finding him was almost gone. Until Special Operative @Fintan Stack came to me with some new intell :cool:The full content of that remains of course classified.

This war may never end ......but tomorrow one of my boys is coming home :clap:

I love the smell of spinach in the morning .....
Sgt GrizZ

Heh... Played one at Pinball Parlour and though it was alright myself, strange looking.... but alright.
I played deans didn't think it was to bad apart from being hard to see under the boat and the machine not telling you what to do
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