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OMG my Laser has Died !


Site Supporter
Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
The Bad News!
My laser tube finally gave up today and although I knew it was on the way out I was hoping it would see me through till Sept when I was planning an upgrade.

The Good News!
The company I was planning to buy the new one from has kindly offered to quickly sort mine at short notice. Tomorrow in fact!

More Bad News!
It means a 4hr round trip to Halifax tomorrow, a new tube @ £250 + vat and £75 per hr service charge again +VAT to get it back to tip-top condition.
So all in I’m looking at just under a £500 kick in the family jewels.
Hopefully one day this bloody thing will pay for itself :rofl:

More Good News!
I should be back to normal on Thursday if anyone needs anything doing to help me pay the bill.

And Finally The Best Part!
I get to play with my possible future Laser a 5k Pro laser which will cut upto 680 x 400 on 12mm Acrilic, wood ect and Engrave faster and more detailed than my current one.

Although a lot of money and I don’t envision me ever getting my money back on it I consider it the same cost as a nice pin and sadly I love playing with lasers as sad as it sounds.
I should also get 1k back on mine and lucky to have someone interested already.

wish me luck Col
More importantly did you get my bits done first [emoji23]

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Any chance of making a Dead world plastic
( Not the Ring) for me .
Thanks Col
I’d need one to work off but yes no problem I’ll be all back to normal on Thursday with just a couple of catchup jobs to finish.
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