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OK, Most Overrated Pinball Machine

Sorry lads but the fact so many people rate it means to me it's overrated. I liked it enough but so many better games
I have seen sone truly despicable things posted on line but too call Deadpool overrated blasphemy, you sir deserve to be put in the corner with Neil 😂😂
For me, the idea of something being underrated is one where folks might be considered to revisit something that isn't popular but was actually good.
This thread is about highlighting how you don't like something other people think is good.
New to the forum and a proud sttng owner, I have to ask why? I have owned mine for over 10 years and love it.
Planning on selling it soon as I am moving to the States, but I am intrigued as to why you don't rate it positively?
Don't listen to him, he's just wrong.
Bally "Playboy"
Looks great, but if you can max out the bonus on the first ball (and that is not hard), everything else is a waste of time
New to the forum and a proud sttng owner, I have to ask why? I have owned mine for over 10 years and love it.
Planning on selling it soon as I am moving to the States, but I am intrigued as to why you don't rate it positively?
There is nothing wrong with any of the games nominated, it is just for some reason people do not feel they deserve an "A+" rating
This doesn’t class as overrated- but the context was I’d commented on a Stern advertisement for their Supreme pin on YouTube- even they know it’s a pile of s***1705238162529.jpeg
Medieval Madness
Fun but meh for me, especially the price they go for makes them overrated in my book.
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