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Sep 4, 2023
MM 🐰
Hi all

I've a mate who needs dos discs for his spectrum computer but is drawing blanks so i thought some technical guy here may be able to give some pointers ?

You never know

DOS disks? Can you elaborate? Spectrum +3 I take it?
Ok guys
This isn’t my forte but trying my best to help as he’s a good egg

He sent this to me

Means nowt to me

IBM ps2/model 50

Thanks everybody hope it’s not too frowned on being off topic


All flavours of MS-DOS

Hi again

He keeps saying IBM ps2/model 50

In fairness if I was talking to him about sys11 or Optos he'd be blank and clueless

Don’t concern yourself too much as it’s off Topic

I just know pinball info is loaded with techies that’s why I asked 😁

I've given you the links for the disks. Get him to download from there.
Superstars all of you 🧑‍💻

Yup you guys sorted it out as quickly as I knew you would 🌟

Huge thanks guys he appreciates it

Can he D/L to floppy somehow?

Hmmm Dr Google with its vast array of knowledge that conflicts itself

I try to ask people with the knowledge of the subject when a divinity is needed as it works for me because I over analyse everything 👨‍🎓

Took me two weeks and the group advice for me to get my 1st drone….the advice cinched it for me

Trust I haven’t annoyed anyone

OK, I am going to summerise what I think is now going to be the next issue with writing these from the image.
They are going to need:
  1. An internet connection to download the images
  2. A floppy disk drive to write the image to disk
  3. Floppy disks
I have not seen floppy disks for ages, I do have a disk drive but in my first PC case which has been stripped of all other componants. And it has no OS and can't connect to the internet.
Do they know someone who could write the images

So as @Fantazia2 says above, the quickest route is to buy disks with DOS on it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313&_nkw=DOS+disk&_sacat=0
Thanks I’ve passed this on to him so it’s his call now methinks

I knew you guys would know I could have wasted hours on T’internet

Thank you

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