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Expired o/t One Armed Bandit - Fully Working

Expired Due to no activity


10 Years
Jul 22, 2011
Midlands (near Wolverhampton)
Hi guys, I'm making some space and unfortunately need to sell a machine. A while ago I bought a couple of vintage one armed bandits for the "games room" but one needs to go now.

It is an Aristocrat Nevada "Tic Tac Toe" on new 1p play.

The guy I bought them off was a bit of an expert and it is fully working and looks great (although there are some marks/pitting - but still looks great!). Inside the mechanism is very clean and fully working.

It is on new 1p play, and comes with all locks present and 2 keys for each lock. As it is "all mechanical" there is no electrical parts to go wrong etc. I will even include the 1p's to save you going to the bank ;)

I was going to list on eBay for £250 but they are a nightmare for removing fruit machines, so I am offering it here for £200 (less than I paid for it). If anyone would like any pictures or details please get in touch.

I am near Wolverhampton and this would fit in most cars (it is a proper vintage one armed bandit rather than a big ugly pub fruit machine!).

Cheers. Mark


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Have you tried putting "payouts disabled" in the ebay listing?
Yeah, isn't the issue with eBay that you need to have a license to sell what are effectively 'gambling' machines?

I think if the payout is disabled it changes things slightly.
I have a licence to sell machines so it's not a problem for me. The Gambling Commission force ebay to end listings fron non-licensed sellers, I even had a nice man from the GC on to me for not putting a link to their website and their logo on the listings. I don't know if putting that the machine's payouts are disabled works but I know a lot of people try it and get away with it. Most buyers will know why you've put that so it won't stop people bidding.
Aaah, sorry didn't realise that Mark.

Good luck with your sale either way - hopefully someone will snap it up.
The reason Ebay remove machines.... Well in fact it's not Ebay it's the Gambling Commission telling them to...

I understand, via discussions with Ebay, That the GC supply them directly with a list of listed machines they wish to be removed because of no licence details. If the licence is there, and they do check, then the machine remains.

You can buy a single machine licence to allow you to sell these, however it's £25 per throw admin costs, and since a lot of the larger machines only fetch £100, thats a big chunk of potential profit gone. They don't LIKE doing it, however they have to by law...

They use this as an example of how things get out of control....


They are actively working with some members of the arcade and collector community to come up with some system where legitimate people can sell these, however as you can imagine it's not a quick process.... Until then this applies to anything using current or past coins.

I'll have to ask Mark to sell machines on my behalf ;)
sorry to cause confusion, I don't think Mark has a licence, I'm mark9 (I should've chosen a different username doh!).
I do have a licence but i'm not the one selling this machine, just advising...
I don't think you can sell old coin machines without a licence either, more government madness
sorry to cause confusion, I don't think Mark has a licence, I'm mark9 (I should've chosen a different username doh!).
I do have a licence but i'm not the one selling this machine, just advising...
I don't think you can sell old coin machines without a licence either, more government madness

Sorry - yes i should have said Mark9... :) Just my lazyness ;)

And you are right - doesnt matter on the coinage old or new.. Still have to be licenced...
I'm sure I could help you sell your machines on ebay, all I would need to do is list with your phone number and general location for pick up, I normally get inundated with various offers to buy "outside of ebay" everytime I list a machine...and there's a lot of collectors out there after the one armed bandits.
Thanks for the comments guys, and the very kind offer mark9 - it is appreciated.

Thanks also Paul for the link to the Peterborough Gazette, very intersting - although I would hardly call that selection of 3 machines a proper gambling den - I think one was a video game, and the bookies terminal was probably running MAME as they would not be able to connect to the network - so that left a single sad looking £250 jackpot club machine. Compared to that my "games room" looks like Las Vegas -lol.

It is madness the restrictions on selling machines, especially vintage bandits - the one I'm selling is 1p play with a 20p jackpot. Still I decided to list it again last night, with the display only, payout permenently disabled etc but it was still cancelled by eBay within the hour - but the good news is that was enough for someone to get in touch who is intersted in buying it, and because eBay ended the auction they will miss out on their final value fee :)

Anyway, thanks again, and thank goodness I dont have these problems when I ocassionally sell a pinball machine.

All the best, Mark.
The funny thing is, I have sold some "proper" fruit machines with big jackpots on eBay with no problem, but one armed bandits with small jackpots seem to cancelled almost immediately. Because of this, I was thinking there might be a single collector/seller of vintage bandits who takes exception to anyone trying to sell them.
Always to good to get one over on ebay though...can't understand why they don't want the fees?

I've got a Jennings Governor, going to sell that next week to fund my next pinball purchase! My family has owned it since before I was born...but even the kids are bored of it now...pinball is so much more fun.
Awww now you tell me - Have wanted one of those for ages, however they always go for far too much £££ :(

And to top it off i'm currently Skint!!
I'm going to start the auction at £1, not sure how much it's worth but if it reaches 4 figures I would be very happy, I have my eye on my first Stern...need all the cash I can get
I don't play them, but it's a living...

The chrome's not great, but it hasn't been touched up at all, hasn't been modified in any way...just a new lock as I once lost the key...I can post some pics if your interested, maybe 1k was optimistic
ebay don't hunt donw and remove fruit machines . dealers report. if you sell list an undesirable game or one at a silly high price it wont get removed. list a late-ish , cheap or desirable machine and it will be gone in an hour.
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