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nvram battery eliminator


Jul 10, 2015
anyone in this country make anything
like this battery eliminator
prefer buying here than waiting for
usa post
anyPin 6116/6264 RAM Adapter for Williams/Bally/Stern pinballs & more NVRAM
I was going to get one of Jim's, but you have to remove a chip and solder in a socket for most WPC games I think.

I came unstuck when it came to cutting off the chip, can anyone link to the best tool for this?
I used a Dremel with a cutting disc to remove an IC from my MPU board.
Careful - those taxes are amongst the thinnest I've ever come actress. Trashed one board trying to do it... And I'm pretty good at soldering!
magic ram looks good but 1990 onwards ,
mines for a 1981 pinball so dont know if it would work in mine .
and i've got a socket for my chip
The rams used in these boards have a memory storage cabability of 100 years without the need for a battery supplied voltage.
I think Carl is saying that you lose Date:Time settings on your pin with the NVRAM option.

Ymmv as to whether that's an issue for you though. I must admit I don't use the Date:Time on Pins as anything other than an indicator the batteries are still functioning :)
i was only quoting the magic ram info i might have seemed a bit blunt
not meant to .just seemed a good idea no batteries its for a bally vector
Here's a pic of the Cap fitted to my Gold Ball MPU

:eek: Please don't go cutting chips off with dremels. You'll get little metal fragments shorting out under chips and all sorts, i get boards sent to me like this when someone cuts off a chip and then can't get the board working again afterwards.

If you want chips desoldering I have the proper tools and can do it for a nominal fee.

I also have NVRAM chips for pretty much any game except old Gottliebs. Send me a message if you need something sorting :)
Depends how big you go for. Don't have any real numbers but I'd say typically 2-3 months without switching on. If you use it a few times a month it'll stay charged up.
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