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Non ghosting frosted LED's ?


Dec 12, 2013
Near Hinckley, Midlands
Been thinking of upgrading a few bulbs on LEDs in my pin recently, namely the condomed bulbs that are ontop of the plastics. Since my pin is a Gotty, i need non ghosting (cant stand it when people use normal LEDS and live with the ghosting) but i cant seem to find any in the UK that are frosted which is what i want. I can find the tempered and clear type ones which im doubting will look very good on view.

Can you actually buy this type of bulb and if so, am i going to have to pay through the nose in product and postage to get them, i only need 10red, 1 blue and 1 green in this type, the rest i can use the other finish because there not seen directly.
Comet pinball in US have these which I quite like, have blue and yellow ones on the back wall of my spiderman. Postage is pretty good, I think $14.
You can buy frosties from any supermarket, they are the ones with the tiger on the pack.

Seriously, try some normal frosted bulbs from Pinball Heaven, they are good quality and you might be surprised. I have them in most of my machines and am pretty happy with them.
For what they cost give them a try.
I bought a few LED bulbs as a selection awhile ago just to try which were all the basic frosted type, loved the comparable lighting levels to incandescent without blinding me but the ghosting was driving me mad so I took them out. I think for the price, I may just try a non ghosting LED that looks a bit different and hope they don't look too out of place.
Just had my 1st batch of Non Ghosting LED's from comet pinball for my SW and I'm well pleased.They look great. Only taken 8 days to get to me with no custom charges :D

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