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newbie help with unknown machine name please


May 18, 2015
hi everyone, this seems like the right place alright to help identify an old-ish EM pinball machine i used to play on as a kid and would now like to find again and this time: own

the only thing i remember about it, other than it being a machine i couldn't ever get away from usually for hours on end heh:) was that it was a multi-player EM machine called 'Dizzy' - at least that's what i used to call it seeing as it had that name in big large letters on the back glass...

unfortunately, there is no such machine listed on any pinball database anywhere on the planet, so it must have actually been called something else altogether + i still haven't been able to locate it even after literally trawling though several databases one machine at a time!

can anyone please help to identify this machine? i know it definitely exists as i've encountered it twice in london in the last 30 years in 2 different locations, and would be very much obliged if i knew what i was looking for...

with many TIA
from slider :)
ah just realised that's a single player game so probably not it.
lol well you certainly got my heart racing there for a moment haha! i thought that was it!

unfortunately though it isn't... (snif) - the X's on lower playfield are familiar though, plus i think it had a kinda of long chute on (left?) playfield, 10p a game in those days lasted forever on that machine with replays and extra balls galore!

breakfast in the cafe where i last saw it in tulse hill lasted about 30 minutes always followed by 2 hours of pinball lol :)

we all loved that machine! :)
Try putting a shout out on ukpinball. I'd put money on Martin, Gary or Phil etc coming up trumps.
first tell us what year you played it in, then we can rule out all machines that came out after that, and all single-player games from before.
should get the possible candidates down to a few hundred
first tell us what year you played it in, then we can rule out all machines that came out after that, and all single-player games from before.
should get the possible candidates down to a few hundred

lol ok that's a good idea to cut down the search, cheers... it was around 43 years ago that i first played it in a clapham junction arcade, and the last time was in a tulse hill cafe around 1977/78/79

hope this helps :)

there you go. i suspect you are talking about Dipsy Doodle?

and how deep are your pockets? it's probably worth about £200-400 if it ever appears for sale, or you could just push the boat out and buy this one now-

hiya, many thanks for trying but i don't think it was this one? don't remember those balls being visible like that in the center + nothing about the back-glass or playfield rings a bell + thinking about it am wondering now if there wasn't in fact an extra set of flippers center playfield as well, though i can't be sure of that + it was 30 years ago so maybe not but i've a feeling there was...

good game! good game! - what do points make?

prizes! (bruce - the chin) - forsythe hehehe :)
ok try this, click any names that look like possibles.
this is all the 4 player EMs released from 1962 to 1970

howdy... snif, i looked at all these 'very' carefully and unfortunately it's none of 'em :(

i would recognise it immediately i once clapped my peepers on it + am sure the word 'dizzy' is on the back-glass in largish (i think blue) letters, although it might be spelt differently to that... i seem to also remember the playfield being kind dark with lots of red

would you believe i've actually been looking for this machine for the last 5 or 6 years with no joy whatsoever?

why oh why can't i remember more of the theme other than that word dizzy! argh! :p

it's a great puzzle though isn't it? + hopefully one you guys/gals on here will solve in the very near future

COZ it must be out there somewhere! - i couldn't have possibly dreamed it twice... could i? (nah)

am really thankful for ALL your help so far though... so please keep trying

some one will will surely hit the jackpot soon + earn my eternal gratitude into the bargain (for real)

with kindest regards...
Maybe dew-wa-ditty ? it says dew-wa-diity on the backglass but looks kinda like dew-wa-dizzy

thanks for trying but no unfortunately... nothing like it... it was a multi-player for 4-up, a long chute (left playfield) that either stopped at the top and kicked the ball back out, or went all the way through to the start again... also several (red?) stars-X's running across the lower field possibly multipliers (x2, x3, x4 etc) + i think there were in fact two sets of flippers and the usual EM rolling scores, so a fairly modern machine but possibly pre 70's, maybe even pre 65/66...

so strange not to be able to find it innit eh? am truly at a loss (why meeee! lol :)
I am sure if you could get hold of one of the EM Pinball Compendium books you would be likely to find it in there. I have checked in the 1970-1982 edition with no luck.
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