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New UK pinball event - Daventry August 25th & 26th 2018

Big massive thanks to Big phil and his friends and family I must say it’s the most organised show I have ever been to from getting there and having someone manning the van park to the help unloading and setting up the whole team on the door did an absolute amazing job even when packing down there was a girl helping load the vans and a guy controlling the the loading bay
Absolute Stella team work
Lots of pins in good condition and lots I have never seen before very little fatalities but if there was a break down the team where straight on it
The layout was much better than previous years also the temp in the room was good
Managed to get to the home pin talk and wow mike did a great job real eye opener for me I could have asked him questions all day
Big thanks to neil and Tim who did all the streaming and stuff like that I wouldn’t have a clue
I am not a comp fan but without this they would not be a show so big thanks to peter Martin and the raison family for making that happen in my eyes one of the hardest jobs over the weekend to run that
Scott strong sorry you couldn’t get to a couple of games you wanted to play this is always a problem but there is really nothing that can be done about it and there are plenty of other machines to play
The hotel was fine all in all I have nothing negative whatsoever to say about it just hope it can be done again next year
Last thing it was great to see lots of people I have sold pins to over the years and put a name to a face and have a good chat to
No free play option on a lot of gotts.Only real way is to do as I have on some and add a switch on end of start button with coin switch cables attached.
I personally added about 75 credits,at various times when I remembered/Had time

On that note if any pinhead ever sees a game without credits please ask a member of staff and it will remind us to add them for you all
I know there’s no easy way to free play Rocky but it is doable and I really wanted it to be played more as its such a great game.
I saw so many punters go up to it and press the start to no avail, again to be fair if someone mentioned it to a staff member it was re loaded. There was plenty of interest in it that’s for sure.
Yeah, thanks to everyone involved. I had a great weekend.

Easiest setup I've ever had at a show. Rock up at the loading bay, someone helped to get the machines off the back and took them away to set up, I didn't even get my spanner out until Sunday!! ?

Great mix of machines, but I did think that the line up of new sterns looked amazing. Starting to make DMDs look dated in the same way that DMDs made earlier SS machines look dated. Maybe the prices will start falling once they become classics.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Back last night 10pm. Nice smooth drive back up with @chris b , chatting away in the van. Always a good 'debrief' :)

Massive thanks to @replicas and @Davey D for the loan of their own updated indy games for use on my stand over the weekend. Spoke to a lot of people, too many to try and name here, but if you did stop by and say hello chat about my projects and what i try and do for the pinball scene thank you. Also a big thanks to all the people who said some really nice things to me at the end of the show including @Biff and @AlanJ and the previous comments above in this thead. It really means a lot. We had 2 indys running the update on the saturday and 1 over friday evening and sunday. Made a few updates to the software during the course of the weekend to refine a few things as more varied play data was received and we had a good solid 7 hours of play on sunday no issues.

Big thanks to @Big Phil, because as others have said no phil, no show!. Great organisation. Like @chris b said above the organisation in the loading/unloading area was top class. What we have been needing here for so many years. A real class way to run things. One suggestion, maybe have a different colour wristband for staff/exhibitors, just to make early morning entry to the room easier., but not a big thing. The plastic wristbands were also most welcome for a 3 day event. Shower proof!

Really enjoyed the streamed events organised (@Neil McRae ) especially Mikes (@Homepin ) talk about thunderbirds. Great story and journey regarding how to persevere and make a great quality game. As one man once said 'making pinball is hard' ! A real insight in to the modern manufacturing process for small business. Will be following progress closely and wish them the best success.

Now, i'm off to watch the gp from the weekend, quietly in the lounge!!

Cheers all : )
could only make the sunday this year,,,,,,,, great show with plenty of room to walk about,, first time look at the Houdini as I`m quite tempted by this one, need to get to tilt to play some more,, but what a stunning looking machine the iron maiden premium is, ended up playing this one more,
Just like to echo all the positives from the weekend that's already been said.
Massive thanks to all who supported the event in there own way. Not mentioning any names cause I don't want to miss anyone out but you all know who you are. Great to meet up with old friends that you only see once a year or even longer, also nice to see @cooldan on Saturday .
Once again massive thanks to everyone and lets hope for all this to happen again next year.
I'd also like to add my thanks to Big Phil for taking the risk of setting everything up, I hope that it worked out OK financially as it would be great to see Daventry as a regular show again. By far the best organised show I have been to with so much help available from all the NLP folks and others, and any machine problems dealt with so quickly. Fastest tear-down I have ever experienced too - I was home and unloaded by 5:15 yesterday (yes, I do live very close to Daventry), my thoughts were with those who had a long slog back and a lot of machines to unload though - without their dedication there wouldn't be a show. A great weekend all round and I really enjoyed the VIP sessions. Thanks again to everyone who made it happen
I know there’s no easy way to free play Rocky but it is doable and I really wanted it to be played more as its such a great game.
I saw so many punters go up to it and press the start to no avail, again to be fair if someone mentioned it to a staff member it was re loaded. There was plenty of interest in it that’s for sure.

The fault there lies with myself. Rocky was brought from the Flip Out Club where we do just add credits to it regularly. To be honest, i would have preferred to have shown off the machine once i had got some numbered stickers for the targets and a set of plastic protectors fitted, but there was so much interest that i just brought it along as it was. I hope that people enjoyed playing it anyway and if you missed out it is always available to play at Flip Out London Pinball Club (among many others!)
I would like to thank everyone involved in the show, I had a great weekend!

It was great catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones. There really is nothing quite as good as an event at a hotel. It enables (almost) everyone to socialise together in the bar afterwards and really reinforces the spirit of community that we are lucky to have.

If anyone found them, I am missing a few things after the show:

My voice
A sense of moderation

See you all soon!
Great to meet up with old friends that you only see once a year or even longer, also nice to see @cooldan on Saturday .

NO WAY!!!! How did i miss him?!?!?! :(

So to add... Huge thanks to @Big Phil and the team for organising the whole shebang, to everyone that promised and brought a pin (or 10!) with them, and the NLP chaps as ever for their support...
I was only there for the sat afternoon/evening, however i would go as far to say it was the best organised/smoothest show i have seen at Daventry. And all the guys doing the Repairs and running about for people - all instantly recognisable in their blue tops - genius idea :) To the guys on the stalls (Jon and Jim!)... the whole thing has left me bubbling with happiness!

Great work to the community for the whole thing!! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!

P.s. Were any of the talks recorded and available to watch online at all ?? Fancy a look at Mike's Thunderbirds discussion :)
NO WAY!!!! How did i miss him?!?!?! :(

So to add... Huge thanks to @Big Phil and the team for organising the whole shebang, to everyone that promised and brought a pin (or 10!) with them, and the NLP chaps as ever for their support...
I was only there for the sat afternoon/evening, however i would go as far to say it was the best organised/smoothest show i have seen at Daventry. And all the guys doing the Repairs and running about for people - all instantly recognisable in their blue tops - genius idea :) To the guys on the stalls (Jon and Jim!)... the whole thing has left me bubbling with happiness!

Great work to the community for the whole thing!! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!

P.s. Were any of the talks recorded and available to watch online at all ?? Fancy a look at Mike's Thunderbirds discussion :)

Yes they are on my twitch channel now but I’ll put them on YouTube later tonight

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
NO WAY!!!! How did i miss him?!?!?! :(

So to add... Huge thanks to @Big Phil and the team for organising the whole shebang, to everyone that promised and brought a pin (or 10!) with them, and the NLP chaps as ever for their support...
I was only there for the sat afternoon/evening, however i would go as far to say it was the best organised/smoothest show i have seen at Daventry. And all the guys doing the Repairs and running about for people - all instantly recognisable in their blue tops - genius idea :) To the guys on the stalls (Jon and Jim!)... the whole thing has left me bubbling with happiness!

Great work to the community for the whole thing!! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!

P.s. Were any of the talks recorded and available to watch online at all ?? Fancy a look at Mike's Thunderbirds discussion :)

Also on Pinball news website
I had an excellent day yesterday. The first dedicated Pinball event I have been to. My only gripe was that the tournament machines never became available for regular play. That needs to be addressed as there were a number of machines in the tournament that I wanted to play but couldn’t. Surely there is a way to allow these machines to slowly become available one by one!?

There were several times I had to wait to play my competition game on a competition machine, because it was being played by someone who was not in the competition. But I never said anything to any of the people, as it wasn't intentional on their part - they just didn't realise they were competition machines, and, I did not want to spoil their day by being making them feel bad, so just waited. The machines were labeled up as comp machines,of course, but it's easy for anyone to miss that label, especially when you're excited to see a machine free and stride up to it. Maybe in future the comp machines could be more clearly marked out or roped off a little bit more perhaps.

I feel that one thing that didn't help was us choosing a machine at random from the 'hat'. Often you'd be waiting for a machine when other comp machines were standing idle - this slowed down the progress of the competitions and also opened up the above problem as people wandering past just saw a spare machine and dived on, not realising it was a comp one. In future would be better to just allocate each pair of players to a machine at random, so that ensures all the comp machines are in use constantly. In return the comps would have run faster and finished sooner, thus allowing the public to get on the comp machines later during the day.

Having said all this, I have no gripes at all - I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend, so did Clare, we were both sad it was over when we left this morning. For a new event with new organisers I think it was a job very well done, and hats off to @Big Phil and @Moonraker and their fantastic teams for putting on such a brilliant event and competitions. I couldn't have organised either better than they did,, so very much appreciate the effort everyone put in. I know what I'm planning on doing for the foreseeable future on an August bank holiday weekend :-)
Shame I missed it, due to being away. I’ll get along next time, congrats to everyone involved.
Where is the picture of him in cling wrap?

Thanks to Phil for going to all the effort and organisation and making the weekend so much fun!

Here's to next years :thumbs:
Thanks for all the effort. I went as a punter this year. Elected to not play in the comps as they always take too much of the weekend up.
Really wanted to like Thunderbirds but I'll be generous and say my money is safe. Was impressed with Houdini but found it too easy.
Want that DE Batman.
Great to chat to everybody, see you at the next one.
Pretty much repeating what's been said by everyone already.
Huge thanks to @Big Phil for putting the show on in the first place, mustn't have been easy having to deal with fallout from previous issues.
Show ran really well and all the staff, both from Phil's team and the NLP guys made sure everything went better than could have been expected.

Also a big thanks to @Moonraker and the Raison's for running the 2 comps. It may not have run as smoothly as possible, but was still a massive undertaking and needed a lot of time and effort to see it through to completion.

Was too busy to get to see any of the seminars or other streams, but will catch up over the next few days.

I really hope it goes ahead next year as well, as having a show/competition based in a hotel makes it much more relaxing, as it's easy to pop back to your room and have a shower between sessions. Also makes the prospect of a weekend of pinball more appealing to non-fanatic partners.
Very tame that, if you fell asleep it was an eye brow shaved off, fairy liquid on the eyelids and a smidgen of veet in the hair where I come from.
Very tame that, if you fell asleep it was an eye brow shaved off, fairy liquid on the eyelids and a smidgen of veet in the hair where I come from.

I remember a ‘penalty’ of rizla paper stuck to the arms then set alight for falling asleep when I was younger! Seems a bit harsh when you think now. Glad I’m old now and didn’t fall asleep first in the old days !!
To repeat what everyone else has already said we had a fantastic weekend. Big thanks to Phil for pulling it all together so well and never looking even a tiny bit flustered. Thanks to everyone involved in making it happen, they've all been named many times above already so no need to go through them all again. I really enjoyed the stall ball so thanks Neil for that. Also it was great to meet more forum members and put faces to names.
Looking forward to next year already.
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