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Wanted New transformer for bally Williams


Nov 8, 2016
hi, can anyone point me in the direction of a new transformer unit for ballywilliams?
(A Tom restoration I'm doing)
why do you need a new one? is it the vibration/buzzing?
I have a working one but I was looking to go pretty much all new with the restoration.
I think you'll be extremely lucky to find a new one. Best of luck! Don't forget only a few games use this transformer. Should be some info online to what transformer belongs in what game(s).
i think its fine to use the existing one, they are bullet proof and rarely fail.
like neil said bullet proof why would you want to replace it
i would never replace it even if it was the best super minty on earth i was doing if you are super anal like me you can actually get them to clean up really nice
dont forget if you do get a new one it has to be for dcs game
Yeah, I got the message :) I'm quite OCD as Barry will tell you. Everything will be getting a good clean. My current transformer works just fine.
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