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New members - say hello right here : )

Hello all - Im Scott - Been playing pinball for 40 years ( Im 52 ) and just finally got my first machine this Feb ( Ballys Mystic ) and already bought another one last week -
A Black Rose - Great shape but could use a new ramp - I don't post too much, But I do like to read them.
Welcome both.
Chris, if you ever need to free up some cash or decide you want the original back, I'd happily buy that MikeD Creech mod from you, so dibs on that!

Dan I must have missed this at time of posting, sure I'll keep that in mind.
I just signed up and wanted to say Hi.

I'm Rog, 48 from Warwickshire and have been a fan of Pinball for a few years now. I used to work for one of the big amusements operators back in the 90's and got to play and repair a lot of machines back then. You would think on that basis that I would be able to play quite well, but no, I suck.

I don't own a machine myself but I am currently (without much success) trying to convince the wife exactly how much a pinball machine would enhance out lives.
Welcome Rog, don't tell her you want a pinball machine because it's a lie! Once you have one you'll want more, and more!

What you could tell her is that your fixing it for a friend, and he's let you use it for a while! ;)

Good luck :thumbs:
Thanks for the welcome guys.

It was a big enough challenge getting my MAME cab through the door so a pin is going to take some work. I appreciate the suggestions though :)
G'day all

Thanks to @Chris P who directed me to these forums. Was great meeting you and others at the London Pinball event at Brew Dog yesterday. Who else on here attended that? Loved my first meetup! :)

I don't think I'd played much at all since moving here from Melbourne/Australia 10+ years ago, however a half day visit to Chief coffee a few days ago has got me well and truly hooked again!

I don't own any pins yet, however I'm hoping I can change that soon. I need to find a theme that the wife can enjoy, or at least tolerate & try! Better go lurk on the sales threads here...

Welcome Mick,
Pleasure meeting you yesterday as well, it can be a slippery slope buying a pin, one leads to another that leads to another.

This is the best place to search out pins, the rest of the guys can recommend wife friendly games over in the for sale section.

I recommend checking out the pinball arcade app as well, that way you get to see a lot more of the pins in a digital version. It's also a good way to learn the rules.
Thanks for all the welcomes. Look forward to meeting more of you all soon. Can see a lot of travel necessary for this obsession! :)
Haha! Thanks Cmor111. I was so sure I would only need one... That doesn't seem to be the case for so many of you on here tho!
I thought I only needed one, until I got it home and set up. Had a few games on it before letting my wife have a go, then when she was playing I commented that having just one pin is like having a games console with only one game to play on it.

I hope you can make room for the growing collection when it does start.
when she was playing I commented that having just one pin is like having a games console with only one game to play on it.

Tips like this will hopefully make the journey a whole lot easier, thanks!

I hope you can make room for the growing collection when it does start.

Barely room for one pin in our current house. I am determined to make it work tho! Who needs a dining table...

Luckily we're upsizing to more bedrooms in about a year which will help no end. Or at least bring a dining table back into play!
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Hi everyone.

Been lurking for a bit and signed up yesterday. I'm not new to pinball had a Shadow for a few years about 8-10 years ago (when prices were more sensible :()
Been looking to get back into pinball for the past couple of years but got serious recently and now looking to buy a machine (or two ;)) .
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