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Need Gottlieb display IC's


May 1, 2012
Blackpool, UK
Hi everyone,

I've been testing my Night Moves display in game and all voltages are ok. There are Data signals pulsing on both sides of the buffers and I've tried manually resetting it, but get nothing out the display at all.

Can someone lend me either of the following to allow me to diagnose the problem :-

1) A late system 80b display board (does not have to be the night moves specific one)


2) A new Rockwell 10941 segment driver IC and a Rockwell digit driver IC (I can replace these with new later)

Thanks in advance

Luke, if you want to send me the board I'll be happy to test it for you in a known working game...
I believe it should be compatible with Genesis, which will then prove if the display is knackered or if you have a.n.other issue...
Poibug has a Genesis, a little closer. Maybe you could use his machine as a test rig.
Sure he would not mind you driving down to his and knowing Poibug he would be happy to help you out.
MA999 has Molex pins instead of an edge connector (and was used in late 80b games) does Genesis have Molex pins for the display?

Like this :-

Nope Genesis has the standard edge connector but that's easily over come if you supply the lead from the MPU to the display as well as the display...! :D
Poibug has a Genesis, a little closer. Maybe you could use his machine as a test rig.
Sure he would not mind you driving down to his and knowing Poibug he would be happy to help you out.

TX is later than Genesis,sadly both have the ***** edge connections

Just checked , dont have the chips - sorry

Night Moves one does look different,than the other Gottlieb ones,appears specific to International Concepts
If totally screwed down the line pbr sells those ones,tho knowing you , you will just redesign the circuit,make it better than original,to get it working!:)
TX is later than Genesis,sadly both have the ***** edge connections

Just checked , dont have the chips - sorry

Night Moves one does look different,than the other Gottlieb ones,appears specific to International Concepts

Night Moves uses the MA999-C101, which is exactly the same as the MA999, but the mounting holes are in different places and the connectors are on the back instead of the front.

It took me 5 minutes to move the connectors to the back and five minutes to move the mounting scews in the cab to line up with the mounting holes on the MA999, god know why Gottlieb had to make a new board with different mounting holes because they couldnt be bothered to just angle the mountings lightly different.

So my MA999 looks good, as in the glass is good, the voltages are all good, signals are getting across the buffers to the rockwell chips, but the rockwells are just sitting there doing nothing. Can't tell if my CPU board is the problem or the display chips are the problem as apparently if there is anything at all wrong with the signals, the displays just stay blank
Yep, I can concur with the display not working if they aren't happy about something from the MPU, hence the suggestion to try them with a known working board.
Nope Genesis has the standard edge connector but that's easily over come if you supply the lead from the MPU to the display as well as the display...! :D

I had a look a few minutes ago and aside from the display wiring being in the big wire bundle that goes from the boards to the playfield, even if I cut out all the wires ties and was able to seperate it, there are also wires going to the transformer and to the sound board as well, so there is no way of seperating it out without cutting wires :(

Thanks anyway for the offer
Have you got a manual as I suppose one of us can knock up a suitable test harness...?

Much appreicated the offer to help testing it.

I'll take my CPU board to Mr Poibug as he's locallish first, and see if we can work it out that way. If not I will have a go at making an adapter so you can test the display. Cheers fella!
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