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Wanted My first Pinball Machine - One of three wanted


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Jul 23, 2017
Essex, UK

I am new to this forum. My name is John and I am from South East England. I have been watching this forum for bit just waiting to take the plunge, well I think the time is now. I have a small collection of arcade machines, but I now wish to add a pinball to the collection.

I am looking for one of the following:
  • Sega X-Files
  • Data East Simpsons (don't judge!)
  • Super Mario (I know!)
I know these are not considered to be the best pins out there, but each to their own and these are the tables I would love to add. I hesitated on a Simpsons back in July and I should have pulled the trigger then, but hey ho.

If anyone has one of these tables for sale, please let me know.


Welcome to the forum John and good luck in getting a machine. None of those come up very often on here, I've definitely seen an X-files come up but can't remember seeing either of the other 2. If they have it's been a while.
you are better off playing a load of different machines before you decide that you want to buy one of these. I'm not slating those in particular, I quite like DE Simpsons, I like the look of Mario but never really played it, and I've only played Xfiles a couple of times so cant really judge that either. But you are always better off playing a game a bit before you buy one, escpecially if it is going to be the only one in the collection. (for now, we all know there will be more by christmas ;))

Try to get up to NLP in Manchester next month. You will be able to try loads of machines (although I dont know if any of those 3 will be there) to see what sort of game you enjoy the most.

I am new to this forum. My name is John and I am from South East England. I have been watching this forum for bit just waiting to take the plunge, well I think the time is now. I have a small collection of arcade machines, but I now wish to add a pinball to the collection.

I am looking for one of the following:
  • Sega X-Files
  • Data East Simpsons (don't judge!)
  • Super Mario (I know!)
I know these are not considered to be the best pins out there, but each to their own and these are the tables I would love to add. I hesitated on a Simpsons back in July and I should have pulled the trigger then, but hey ho.

If anyone has one of these tables for sale, please let me know.



Welcome John

Good luck on the machine hunt - Everyone loves differnet games and those titles do pop up now and again.

And it's quite a relief not to see yet another ' Wanted ...Addams Family' post :D
Welcome dude. Good luck finding the games you're after. I quite like Mario just down to the theme.
You are amongst good company John, keepers are often far from the most popular titles with a lot of people. I have just finished restoring a Bad Cats and that's going no where!

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Welcome to Pinball Info John.
Not the run of the mill in choice of machines but we all like different things.
get yourself up to Manchester to the NLP at Play Expo to play a great selection of games from the 60`s to the present day.
Hi John,

Good luck with chasing down a machine. All of them occasionally crop up but probably more usually on the dreaded ebay. The good news is that all three titles should be relatively cheap when they do surface.
Thanks for the welcome and replies everyone, much appreciated.

I am in for the long haul tracking these down, but then again 'hobby money' does usually burn a hole in my pocket :)
Welcome dude. Good luck finding the games you're after. I quite like Mario just down to the theme.

Yeah, I am big Nintendo fan, so I love the Super Mario.

For me, it is how the table looks, as well as the game. Maybe a bit silly, but hey ho.

Still looking for my first pin (Super Mario, Simpsons or X-files) and I would also like to add Street Fighter II to the list.

I ve had a few leads, but nothing has developed yet.

If anyone has anything, please let me know.

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