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My first pinball has arrived


10 Years
Feb 4, 2013
Mid Wales
Hey guys
Been on and off this forum for years. Had the money for a pin but after a few weeks of searching I usually ended up spending on something else. Few weeks ago I purchased Spandangler (Gareth's) Jurassic Park. Martin delivered it yesterday and I set it up. It's so much fun! I'm pretty rubbish at playing it and still messing with the leg heights to angle the playfield.

Can someone please let me know what I should buy with regards a basic starter cleaning kit. It's shiney and protected at the moment but just thinking of the future.


Ta, Paul
novus 1 and 2, good quality cloth and maybe a microfiber cloth,some glass cleaner.And deffo NO wd40
novus 1 and 2, good quality cloth and maybe a microfiber cloth,some glass cleaner.And deffo NO wd40
OMG the last time i did anything on my Gottlieb Big Brave apart from clean it with Pledge, (5 years plus ago) i couldn't get it going so i sprayed everything with WD40.
I intend to get it out of storage soon and i think i need a specialist Gottlieb geek to take it away and make the pain go away.(Hint).
Wrong part of town Chris! :rofl:

For cleaning, as Poi says Novus 1 (&2 if necessary). Most playfield dirt comes off with Pledge and elbow grease
Glad you you're loving it mate. It really is fun. It's been stripped and treasure cove cleaned and carnuba waxed. Every month or so take the glass of, spray a bit of foaming spray cleaner from Maplins on it to clean any dirt off then carnuba wax it again. It'll stay clean for years. Oh and clean the balls with autosol at the same time as they're what drags the muck around.
I just use baby wipes and car wax. Good idea to put some rubber feet on it or it'll wreck your wooden floor.
I just use baby wipes and car wax. Good idea to put some rubber feet on it or it'll wreck your wooden floor.
Do you not find those rubber soles a pain for nudging? They almost suck it to the floor. Thrown mine in a box after 5 minutes. The marks on the laminate seem to clean out okay
Do you not find those rubber soles a pain for nudging? They almost suck it to the floor. Thrown mine in a box after 5 minutes. The marks on the laminate seem to clean out okay

Yeah they definitely don't help with nudging one bit. I did the same as you until I switched machines the other week and discovered the state of the floor. I've got gouges that I'm going to have to try and remove with a steam iron. Needless to say TWD has the rubber feet on.
I use these furniture feet things with little felt pads on the bottom - protect the floor and still allow for nudging.
I really wish I'd bought some of the wooden Manny ones when they were on eBay last year. *sigh*
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