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My first pin!


Feb 5, 2014
The free state
Thanks for all the help in the other thread!
so I ended up bring it home in the astra no probs!

I was a bit overwhelmed when I went to see it and couldn't find much wrong with it.

Bolt missing to drop the back box down,
few bulbs missing
coin mech missing
the upper flipper was a bit sticky (not returning fast)
few scrapes on the sides
slight hum from the speakers.

So got it home and found a few things wrong I would have copped if I had more experience with pins.
Speaker on the underside is totaled,cone is ripped and all.no biggy.I didnt even know there was a speaker there.

So I got her set up,(what angle should it be? )
the top flipper is spazzing out.now its not working :(

The Drop targets we weren't coming up.
I lifted the playfield and the plunger(is this the correct term?) had falling from the coil.
my first pinball fix!yay

checked around all the playfield,
found a broken micro switch holder lh6.googleusercontent.com__JNsyjOnUW7g_U0702zQ4R1I_AAAAAAAACVQ6f4083d6cde0540b17b89adc8b358b68.jpg

and one micro switch that doesnt seem to register on another ramp.
no too bad I suppose.!

All in all in happy with my first pin!


The pcbs look to be in excellent shape.
The 3AA batteries looked like they were ready to go any day now.

So I got it for 900e or 740 gbp
( it wasnt on ebay!)

Great price.
And enough to keep you busy for a while.
Ask away on here if you are stuck with anything, but give it a go first. The best way to learn is to get stuck in, you will soon learn that it's not as difficult as you might think.
Find out what you need and report back, there are plenty of great people on here that will help with either advice or the stuff you need, if not then where you can get the stuff you need.
nice one, and at a fine price too!

it's certainly a game on my want list, so i will be watching closely if you wanna go into details on the fixup or the gameplay or whatever. loads of pics, loads of video (upload to youtube is easiest), show if off!
Looks like a nice pin at a nice price. Congrats.

I assume you have already, but just in case - Swap out those batteries! ;)

Sounds like you did well. The things you mention sound straight forward and usual after a game has been moved or not played for a while.
Alternative speakers can be picked up cheaply I believe, or someone will have one they removed when they upgraded.
Getting stuck in with the fixing and playing is the best way to go. :)
Congrats. Regarding repairs. Start with the switches. If they are not registering go into switch check (through on the buttons on the coin door). See if they register when you push them. If not it's likely to either be a loose wire that needs resoldering or the switch needs adjusting upwards. Good luck with the repairs.
Thanks lads!
All solid advice.Those batteries were straight out!
First thing I want to do is fix the upper flipper anyway.
I'm gonna try take it slow with this machine and not rust in and fix every thing in one go and then be done!

At the same time I want to buy something for it!
So I'll order rubbers and bulbs .
Where do you guys get stuff?

Oh one other thing,wheres the volume control!I need to turn it up!
Pinball Heaven or Pinball Mania are the two main U.K. parts guys From which you will get most of what you will need.
Volume control will be on either the rear of the coin door or on base of the machine, look for a small bar
Actually, I would recommend fixing things in sections as that way you can test it works and get a game in.
Once you are more confident and the game is technically fully working, you can strip it down completely. Otherwise it can be confusing what is an original fault and those introduced.
I was eager to buy something for it so I ordered a refresh kit off flea bay from the states,Rubbers,bulbs new balls and a few other bits.
Going to get it leveled later and take a look at that flipper.

Am I right in saying the bottom edge should be level?
Cheers. I'll be sure to take a look.
Well I knocked off work early and raced home to play around with the table.
Learned an lot in one evening!
Got the flipper going.
After a good bit off pricking around I found the problem.
The double leaf switch was jammed causing the coil to be stuck. Easy fix if you know what you're looking for!
Right ramp is now working. Diode broken off. And I hot glued the left ramp gate as a temp job. Will have a go at making a repo later.
Table is playing 100% now!
Just need bulbs. :(
I also cleaned the playfield with a toothbrush and water. Looking sweet!

Last job for the moment is sorting out the speaker hum. I took the dmd out checked the speakers. The cones are fine.
After that I don't know where to start.
Any advice?
Great game - the DMD animations are really gruesome - chainsaw to the head anyone??!
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