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Most underrated pinball machine


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Sep 2, 2019
Someone has asked me to do a video on this subject but I need some help and ideas please. Clearly I'm a relative newbie and my knowledge base is not as good as most, so I would be interested in what others think.

It was my comment on finding Dirty Harry surprisingly good which prompted the suggestion.

For me:


(I would own one)

Things like the black knight sword of fury I also really liked, but I don't think that one qualifies.

Mando is also surprisingly deep if you play it in a home environment.
I think a better subject might which is the Most Overrated Pinball Machine, now that could get very interesting.
+1 Jack*bot

Roadshow is a clear contender. Great rules and modes, but overlooked due to the theme.

Most of the 1980s Gottliebs… especially TX Sector, Genesis and Robo-War.

Likewise, some of the pins by less-popular companies, such as Data East JP2 and Tommy, some of the Sega games, etc.

For me, personally: Fish Tales
I think you're going to get a long list of games as there's always someone who likes a particular underrated Pin, and if you get a lot of people stating the same Pin then is it really underrated?
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Orbitor 1

I played it in the 80's and forgot about it until reminded of it recently by @strobey

I have a different machine that plays the same as it :)
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