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Might resonate with you .....

effectively the comedian's job as of today is dead (it was difficult beforehand - Look at the hassles Frankie boyle has had over the last 5 years!). Cant say anything about anyone... they are just a bunch of (now unfunny) racists.
The issue with the internet and especially social media is it is promotes easy tribalism, it makes it very easy to end up with groups of 'them' and 'us' without forcing facts to be checked via reliable sources and people to actually consider the bigger picture and use rational thought.
A hardening of 'Them' and 'Us' as any anthropologist will tell you is a very dangerous thing.

What is lacking it seems to me is people's ability to listen, research and judge for themselves without just jumping in to their echo chamber and agreeing with their tribal crowd.

Some people on the more extreme left seem hell bent on making it impossible to say anything at all without wilfully misinterpreting it for a bandwagon to jump on and a stick to beat people with, but people on the right seem to be hell bent on fighting tooth and nail for the right to say or do things that are sometimes wilfully offensive for no other reason than for the right to do so.
The extreme left wing mantra of 'I'm tolerant of everyone, unless they're not tolerant' is almost as silly as someone on the right thinking that 'everything should just go back to the glorious days of empire and colony where those born British were rightfully best'

Freedom of speech is your right to speak your mind, however it is not the right to speak your mind without willing to have your thoughts challenged especially if your thoughts are offensive to someone else.
When your thoughts are challenged you should be willing to defend and back them up with actual factual evidence to support them, and you should be open to having your mind changed.
Maybe you'll decide they have a point, maybe you'll decide they're wrong, but you've had to consider it.

Everyone on the planet eats, s**ts, sleeps, at a the most basic level we are all the same species, tribalism based on unchecked facts causes nothing but trouble

Never loose the ability to laugh at others but don't get upset when others laugh at you, make rational judgements based on facts without prior bias, and before opening your mouth consider how you'd feel if the situation was reversed

Live. Let Live. Play Pinball :)
Comedy often dates badly. Watch the worm that turned by the two Ronnies on YouTube and it’s utterly cringeworthy. Worst still topical programs such as Drop The Dead Donkey just aren’t funny in retrospect. (Loves it at the time)

I doubt many people would want to return to the days of programs such as “Heil honey I’m home” or “it ain’t half hot mum”.

Although bizarrely “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” is still one of the most watched programs in Fiji. The Fijian side of my family still absolutely love it and can’t get why we don’t still watch it in the U.K.
If you check out the BLM website it tells you everything you need to know. An anti-capitalist movement whose aim is to 'Defund the Police'.

FFS. You really couldn't make this stuff up.
You know what guys ? The titanic is sinking. We are doing our best to play pinball whilst sipping cocktails and listening to the band.
If you check out the BLM website it tells you everything you need to know. An anti-capitalist movement whose aim is to 'Defund the Police'.

FFS. You really couldn't make this stuff up.
I think ‘defund the police ‘ might not quite mean what you think it means.
It’s certainly not as simple as to be an obviously ridiculous idea in principle at least
What does it mean then?
Well not getting rid of all police !
I’m no expert in it just read a little that’s all . Just saying it can’t be dismissed as ridiculous as it’s just about choices of where you spend the budget .
Diverting some of the budget to other local forms of intervention and/or support seems to be the principle . I’m sure there’s loads of stuff police get involved in that they would rather not and I think the principle is to divert some of their budget to other bodies who might do it instead where the issue is maybe homelessness mental health or drug related maybe . I’m no expert just saying I’m pretty sure they are not saying disband the police altogether
It means pretty much what it says. But instead of sending Police to non violent situations you send a medic or some stupid idea. It’s as dumb as it sounds.
I personally think that it needs to be harder to get into the Police. It’s a career that sociopaths tend to be drawn towards. It’s a lot easier for them to get into the Police than it is to become a surgeon. Statistically if you’re in a relationship with a Police Officer you are between 24-40% more likely to suffer domestic abuse...and that’s just England and Wales. The US is another kettle of fish altogether. It should be a lot harder to get into the Police with regular psychological testing, even brain scans.
I personally think that it needs to be harder to get into the Police. It’s a career that sociopaths tend to be drawn towards. It’s a lot easier for them to get into the Police than it is to become a surgeon. Statistically if you’re in a relationship with a Police Officer you are between 24-40% more likely to suffer domestic abuse...and that’s just England and Wales. The US is another kettle of fish altogether. It should be a lot harder to get into the Police with regular psychological testing, even brain scans.
Agree with this . And it’s much worse in the states it seems . I think a violent past is almost a qualification there . The guy who killed George Floyd had a string of complaints against him in a relatively short career in the police .
Completely agree.

Quite depressing times at the mo. Good job there isn't a global Pandemic to contend with also, hang on.............
I personally think that it needs to be harder to get into the Police. It’s a career that sociopaths tend to be drawn towards. It’s a lot easier for them to get into the Police than it is to become a surgeon. Statistically if you’re in a relationship with a Police Officer you are between 24-40% more likely to suffer domestic abuse...and that’s just England and Wales. The US is another kettle of fish altogether. It should be a lot harder to get into the Police with regular psychological testing, even brain scans.

"Dr Zombie", what evidence do you present for your thesis in the psychology of those in the police?

and tucks you are right on the defund the police; utterly stupid idea.

You have to be very, very careful, if you are a native of the UK, when it comes to issues around the American police force. We do not have an analogue in the UK for them. Our police force is more or less as it should be, where there are massive systemic problems with it in the USA. You should take it as significant when I, as a disgustingly left-wing individual, will tell you that it is corroded beyond repair by the police unions.

'Defund the police' is an idea that is based around the fact that something huge and systemic needs to happen to fix the problems over there. E. G. Do the police forces need to have access to military weaponry with government funding as a standard supply?

"Dr Zombie", what evidence do you present for your thesis in the psychology of those in the police?

and tucks you are right on the defund the police; utterly stupid idea.

I'm not going to post tons of evidence as I frankly don't have it pregathered but he is not wrong. Here's one single source that verifies it; if you distrust it then honestly, that's your shout.

"Dr Zombie", what evidence do you present for your thesis in the psychology of those in the police?

and tucks you are right on the defund the police; utterly stupid idea.


You’ll have to wait till tomorrow Neil I’ve just sat down to watch SAS Who Dares Wins. But you can google what I’ve said :)
You have to be very, very careful, if you are a native of the UK, when it comes to issues around the American police force. We do not have an analogue in the UK for them. Our police force is more or less as it should be, where there are massive systemic problems with it in the USA. You should take it as significant when I, as a disgustingly left-wing individual, will tell you that it is corroded beyond repair by the police unions.

'Defund the police' is an idea that is based around the fact that something huge and systemic needs to happen to fix the problems over there. E. G. Do the police forces need to have access to military weaponry with government funding as a standard supply?

I'm not going to post tons of evidence as I frankly don't have it pregathered but he is not wrong. Here's one single source that verifies it; if you distrust it then honestly, that's your shout.


oh I don't disagree that the US has a serious problem but also has taken steps over the last thirty years but still alot more to do I agree, but not everywhere is bad, back in 2001 during the gumball my only altercation with a US cop was a pretty decent outcome considering he could have jailed me!

I don't care too much about the US cops, but our police force isn't anything like the US police force.
It was a terrible thing that happened to that poor man George Floyd. I was disgusted.......
I understood the reasoning for the protests that followed and the need for some reform and change.
Now......to name a few which cannot be condoned:
Flag burning
Desecration of war memorials

I get the impression many in the public eye are walking on eggshells:- Comedians, politicians, journalists, actors or businessmen....scared sh**less they will have they’re life ruined being accused of being racist.
You’ve seen Little Britain etc... being pulled and comedians apologising ....

The whole things went from being a respected movement to a bit of a disgrace in my opinion.
I get the impression many in the public eye are walking on eggshells:- Comedians, politicians, journalists, actors or businessmen....scared sh**less they will have they’re life ruined being accused of being racist.
You’ve seen Little Britain etc... being pulled and comedians apologising ....
This is the bit that nobody has been able to explain to me.

How bad does someone's lack of social awareness have to be that to avoid saying racist things, they have to 'walk on eggshells'?
The whole things went from being a respected movement to a bit of a disgrace in my opinion.
I assume that you also have to consider so many other things with bad actors a disgrace, then - almost everything political in the UK, the US police force, etc.
This is the bit that nobody has been able to explain to me.

How bad does someone's lack of social awareness have to be that to avoid saying racist things, they have to 'walk on eggshells'?
Quite easy really, people are miss quoted, miss interpreted, taken out of context all the time.
Politicians actions misconstrued and inequality deemed. We are seeing this now with the Covid - “where’s the public enquiry for the BAME, this should have happened already!”For example...
Comedians now having their life under the spotlight by media for a scoop for past jokes / sketches that most found hilarious at the time.
But now...... it’s taboo.
Also as an example :- Businessman gives white candidate job on merit and later accused of being racist as there was a black applicant who wasn’t successful....
Just saying.....
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I do object to Skynews and BBC covering the funeral of George Floyd, live, like a state funeral. This was a man that was a serial criminal, in prison 5 times, when arrested high on drugs using counterfeit money and previously charged with pointing a gun at a pregnant woman's stomach. This guy was no Saint!

Whilst rioting 6 people die. An ex Black police officer aged 77 was shot dead protecting other people yet his name is never mentioned.

This is one twisted world.

Regarding the arguments over the police, personally this is a very simple binary decision........

Do you want the police or don't you want the police.
Not going to post any of my opinions on here for fear of it coming back to bite me in the ars3 at a later date, but all I'll say is I agree with most people and am deeply worried about the direction we're heading. The videos I've seen today and over the past week of police officers being beaten and attacked is truly terrifying and quite honestly very upsetting. We live in a country where you can be prosecuted for defending your own property and family against burgalars, so what kind of society do you think this new movement is going to lead us into?

The mainstream media, particularly the BBC, are to blame for a lot of this as they support and push this agenda on everyone. They're more interested in JK Rowling's Tweets than covering what's really happening out there, which is why I would encourage all of you to cancel your TV licenses immediately and help defund the biased, leftist marxist loving BBC. The campaign has a Twitter, Facebook page and YouTube channel with plenty of refence material:

Also, something interesting I saw posted elsehwere you might want to have a think over:

"On 9 June 2020 the UK parliament held a minute’s silence to honour an American career criminal. Amongst many other crimes, during a robbery he held a gun against the stomach of a pregnant black women.

To put this in perspective, the UK parliament have never:

  • held a minute’s silence for any UK service personnel killed in action.
  • held a minute’s silence for any UK Police Officer murdered on duty.
  • held a minute’s silence for the death of one of our Covid-19 heroes.
  • held a minute’s silence for a murdered victim of domestic abuse."
which is why I would encourage all of you to cancel your TV licenses immediately and help defund the biased, leftist marxist loving BBC
I'm just going to say, mate, that you're myopic if you think what you just said there is in any way correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_BBC

"On 9 June 2020 the UK parliament held a minute’s silence to honour an American career criminal. Amongst many other crimes, during a robbery he held a gun against the stomach of a pregnant black women.

To put this in perspective, the UK parliament have never:

  • held a minute’s silence for any UK service personnel killed in action.
  • held a minute’s silence for any UK Police Officer murdered on duty.
  • held a minute’s silence for the death of one of our Covid-19 heroes.
  • held a minute’s silence for a murdered victim of domestic abuse."
Dude, that is not even true. You really, really need to check where you're getting your opinions from.
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Do you want the police or don't you want the police.
That's a ridiculous reductionist view to take. That's saying you're not allowed to have specific thoughts on the *type* of police you get. I'm much, much happier with the UK police than I would be with the US police. If wanting the police means I have to accept extrajudicial killings then I'm strongly inclined to consider the alternative. Do you not see the problem there?

You can't reduce reality to black-or-white otherwise you will be taken advantage of, by people taking advantage of your this-or-that extremist thinking.

If you're worried about the direction of the world right now, start placing some blame on the fact that everything is a hard line camp of 'with or against' and you're forced, in the west, to choose between two parties and by extension, get pigeonholed according to whatever that party does, because 'its better than the alternative'. If you believe that and have no problem with our current government, or no problem with Trump, then frankly I think you're a lost cause and right wingers should be demanding MUCH better representation than what the UK and US currently have.
I'm just going to say, mate, that you're myopic if you think what you just said there is in any way correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_the_BBC

You do understand that anyone can edit a Wikipedia page don't you? It's not a credible source of factual information.

I hate the BBC with a passion. They are left wing biased, supporting far left extremist views and there's been plenty of evidence of this over the past few years especially with Brexit. You only have to take a look at all of the TV shows they've just cancelled and pulled over the past few days because they deem them politically incorrect and appease leftist demands.

If you need evidence of this I'll be happy to submit a long list.

Dude, that is not even true. You really, really need to check where you're getting your opinions from.

As I stated, it was post I saw elsehwere NOT my opinion, and you've completely missed the point anyway - that our UK parliament took a minute silence for a criminal in another country. What you've linked to was a minutes silence for victims of a terror attack

Pay attention please.
Yeah, after that response I think I'll pass.

If you need to repeat things that are outright false to make a point, your point was, at best, not very good.

The link you posted to is a minute silence that was held for victims of the London terror attack in 2017 which killed 4 people and injured 40. It was not about all about a single person.

Fact check your own (mis)information before spouting rubbish.
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