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Meteor Shower


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Aug 12, 2011
Yeah I was out last night looking but didn't see any :( Will head out again tonight. The moon was looking incredible. Should be able to see Venus clearly to the NE of the moon tonight :)

Appears you need to look towards VEGA in the North East (from reading more info) which rises about 10.00 pm. Showers are supposed to peak nights of 22nd & 23rd though.

Getting garden chairs and flasks ready with the missus like a right couple of geeks. :D
On a related theme..... anyone else here watched Interstellar? Watched three times already, can't get enough of it. Purely fantastic.
Just been outside - very clear down here, moon looks incredible and Venus shining bright. Yeah man ...space rocks. :cool:

Used to do a lot of camping with the family in the Cornwall area and saw the best starlit skies ever down there... must be the smog up North.
Again !?! What are you on about ??? Is it possible for you to even post without mentioning sex workers, drugs or bodily fluids :tut:

I am resisting the urge to say 'Double Sperm' in the Whitewater Topper thread.

Currently finding it difficult.
It's quite amazing what you can see with the naked eye so long as the sky is clear, dark with no pollution obscuring..... used to be transfixed after a few down the pub, what a better way to sober up than lying on your back staring up into space.... :rolleyes: :cool:
Well just spent last 30 mins or so out there and managed to catch two, not as bright as last nights one and both were in peripheral vision but both streaked across below the plough constellation. Hopefully a clear night tomorrow for a better view, looks like after midnight gives the best chance.
Thanks for the heads up on this topic @JMP , no pun intended :) and @GrizZ for pointing out venus, lovely clear sky and was shining bright :D

If the main event is 22nd/23rd then you can guarantee there won't be a star in the sky as you won't be able to see them for the clouds :(
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