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Found it! Metallica Sparky Airball Protector Plastic


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Oct 6, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
Anyone by chance got a spare Metallica Sparky airball protector, similar to the below?

Thank you.

I suspect if enough people e-mail the Convolux people, they'll make one available.

They already have the full Metallica plastic protector set.

Their full kits run 35-65€.

One airball protector isn't going to be hugely expensive.
I could do them if someone could scan one ?
As a previous purchaser of your work I can vouch for your quality, I'm happy to take the current plastic out and scan it for you, it has less plastic shown here

Apologies for fat fingers but you get my drift so you could use my scan and alter it to make the plastic shown in the first pic if you wanted to do a run?
Thanks! I'll give it a shot but I'll need something to get the scale. Even if you could measure the size of the bolt hole. They are usually 3.5mm
Are these ok? The metal ruler doesn't look level with the edge on some of the photos but it was, just the way the camera on my tablet was positioned. So the plastic needs extending up to the black line, similar to the first photo in this thread :thumbs:


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What a Div I am. I had a spare piece of polycarbonate left so thought I'd have a go. I've only got a junior hacksaw so it is a royal PITA. Managed to get the rough shape cut out before realising I've cut it the exact same shape as the current one, without the added bit at the front :mad::sad:
Second attempt with the little bit I had left. Not enough to do the proper shape but just enough to get the 2 holes in and cover the front. I'll still buy one of yours if you manage to do them.

Careful when you take the screw out next to Sparky's little finger as it is partially underneath it and I ended up taking a little bit of paint off the side of his finger the first time. Put some thin card/old credit card between the screwdriver and finger to help avoid damage.

It just felt like a matter of time before an errant airball damaged something so glad this is in place now.

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