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Found it! metal backglass lift trim to suit SS williams/bally


May 26, 2014
does anyone have a spare metal backglass lift trim to suit SS williams/bally,I can't seem to find anywhere online that does them.

thanks in advance
Me too! These really do seem quite hard to get. And why are they always missing? Where do they all go?
Me too! These really do seem quite hard to get. And why are they always missing? Where do they all go?
the one on my gorgar was missing because the guy I got it off wall mounted the glass and tombstoned the pin in his garage for years,now I use a suction car dent puller to lift the glass,not ideal but it works,im sure some people must have framed glasses in the past and must have them lying around.pretty please
New. £22 a piece. Plus postage. Two variants. Either 1/8" or 3/16" glass thickness.
Do they look the part? That is, are they a good copy of the original part and look at home on a machine that's 30+ years old?
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