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Wanted Maybe mad Spiderman restore project – Help Needed


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Hornchurch, Essex
Hi all , need help on this one as in anyone got and spare spiderman parts.

I picked up the spiderman playfield part populated from Keith in the parts section few weeks back. I was literally going to do a wall art with the playfield had bulbs in it so was thinking of doing something lighted up.

It arrived this week and it comes with lots of the populated playfield and the playfield is in really nice condition. So I was thinking I do have a few Stern parts hanging around , including board set etc and an old cab. Could I actually get it all working?, if so then restore it and bring a spiderman back from the scrapyard?

Its only a goer if I can source the specific spiderman bits but I seem to have all the main bits, yes its missing some switches , flippers etc , but they are all standard parts so its only sourcing the spiderman specifics I need to do.

So having looked at it , there probably more but the obvious ones are:

I need the 3 plastic ramps , ideally populated so that’s the left Ramp with Venom figure

Middle ramp and bits on it

Right Ramp and bits on it

The green goblin figure and its mount

Then the Sandman webslinger assembly

I don’t need pristine examples , I just want to get it working, so was thinking if someone has bought new bits and has broken versions sitting in a box somewhere, that would be perfect. Literally don’t care if I have to glue broken ones together

I have seen a few SM restores on here so was hoping it wasn’t such a mad idea.

Its needs a full plastic set but I think I can source that if can get the others from the states

So can anyone help? Anyone sitting on a box of old bits ? or parts of bits

good luck,it can be done,but may take a while to source all the missing parts
I may have a venom? But you could go just with similar figures?
That was my old playfield I sold to Keef and far too good to end up as Wallart.
It was in super nice condition and perfect to restore a player’s condition one but maybe building up from scratch would not be very cost effective.
I have some spares still inc a decent ramp but in all honesty you probs better grabbing a stinker and using the PF to make a super nice one.
That was my intention but after restoring 3 in a row I had had just about enough of SM for the rest of my pinball days.
Good luck in whatever endeavours you have for it and shout if you interested in my remaining spares I have left.
Yeah - think I missed out on that PF - was going to retheme it and build my own game with it.

Defo too nice for wall art.

BUT you may struggle getting certain parts

You can quite easily throw well over £2K in parts.

Boardset - £700+
Cabinet - £600 (the last 2 stern cabs I bought to turn to Vpins).
Legs, coin door etc - £150
Lockdown bar ?
Transformer - £200
Loom to go from transformer to boards - £ no idea - down to luck if you can get one.
Pin2DMD - £230 (the colourisation is brilliant on this game for pin2dmd).
Cab decals - £200
Translite - £50+

That is being conservative on the parts cost (well whatever conservative is these days).

It is a big task and something that will take you a while.

If you get bored. Sell the PF to me :)
Thanks for the comments, and col will reach out direct, to me it seems viable as a long background project, a bit like a knackered TZ I got in 2004 and spent 4 years doing up, That wasn’t a money pit project at the time as back then marco parts were cheap in states and no import duty or stupid postage charges.. It was also fun and challenging to do and I re member picking up boxes of TZ bits on eBay so was easy getting spares.. I even picked up a decent playfield for £50 and got it sent to the states to be restored and clear coated for like $300 . So that was influencing my thinking on SM it’s been around a while comes from the SAM run of Stern machines so my post was really testing the water is it’s still viable…. I think it is , but then again I might be mad….
Pinside has a few bits you'd have to talk to them re shipping costs may be prohibitive?

manual https://sternpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/SpiderMan_VE_web.pdf see page 42 re DOC OCK WEBSLINGER ASSEMBLY511-5303-08 then try marco?

might be worth a shout out at https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/club-spidey-members-and-guests-welcome

Probably best to try and work out what you need from manual and do a costing exercise?
Pinside has a few bits you'd have to talk to them re shipping costs may be prohibitive?

manual https://sternpinball.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/SpiderMan_VE_web.pdf see page 42 re DOC OCK WEBSLINGER ASSEMBLY511-5303-08 then try marco?

might be worth a shout out at https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/club-spidey-members-and-guests-welcome

Probably best to try and work out what you need from manual and do a costing exercise?
Thanks Tony, Yes new prices or anything ( machines or bits of them ) are all crazy hence the scrounge for what old bits do people have basically get it working, which I dont need figures for , its ramps and the game specific bits, hence some old ramps will be fine to get started...
Hi all , so thanks to some replies I have managed to source some parts , have New Plastics set and all the ramps coming next week..So now on the lookout for the following to finish the playfield

Ball guide FR7 part 535-9964-07

Ball guide FR8 part 535-9964-08

Sandman Webslinger assembly – Really need the Metal bit have the plastics now

Green Goblin Assembly and figure 511-5058-00 ( I know there is an expensive one on pinside)

Doc Ock VUK part 500-7078-01

Doc Ock Figure

Left and right control assemblies that sit on the main loop rail, parts 511-5033-00 and 511-5033-01

I know I can get most of these from Marco in states and some other abroad sites so that’s the last resort option but still hoping someone may have some lying about. Any condition will be fine

So can anyone help? Anyone sitting on a box of old bits ?

Sent you a DM with this lot maybe someone else needs NOS slings and guides as I’ve a few sets.

I seriously need to clear my spares
Mountain out of here.

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