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Wanted MATT VINCE :)

just drive hundreds of miles to see him, then when you get really close he can either change his mind, pretend the game isn't there, or put the price up.

maybe he hasn't seen this, try emailing, texting, calling, private messaging, spamming the forum, boiling a bunny on his stove?
Matt is quite inexperienced too. New to the scene. An absolute screaming bargain might be had here if you have zero scruples and are happy to rip him off.
Oh bugger it's turned into a dating site and Matt's already been snagged.:eek: Can't decided if I should try for Grizz or Dodgy Doctor Dan. Decisions, decisions. Don't want to be the last one left....

Sarah, if you can't PM him through here then you can always contact him through the London Pinball site
Thanks John, Having met Matt many times, yes, he is a great guy. He already has a wonderful partner. And, sadly not my type. I appreciate the couple of chaps that again have been helpful. But, honestly , you few, are just such idiots.
how much is the SLE version of Matt and is it invitation only (but with free meet and greet with Adam West?)
Thanks John, Having met Matt many times, yes, he is a great guy. He already has a wonderful partner. And, sadly not my type. I appreciate the couple of chaps that again have been helpful. But, honestly , you few, are just such idiots.

No offence but you need to seriously lighten up. Especially when the comments your getting are self inflicted. Think if you were a little less full on and bunny boilerish you will find most the guys on here are very nice. If you want to get hold of someone just send a pm and wait. No need to bombard people with constant posts and threads not only does that put people off it's annoying. Take a chill pill
I have one in the basement, needs shopping and thinking of leddddding.....the linked website has a number of interesting toppers and accessories that I think would look good on a refurbed Matt Vince......forum thoughts?


I have one in the basement, needs shopping and thinking of leddddding.....the linked website has a number of interesting toppers and accessories that I think would look good on a refurbed Matt Vince......forum thoughts?


I wouldn't put LEDs in your Matt Vince. Those old classics look better with incandescents installed.
Good point, Also standard means its value is retained.....

Is that thing dangling in the middle the weight for the tilt? Sorry newbie here so not familiar with areas of the Matt vince playfield? I tried removing it but doesn't seem to want to budge? It makes a screeching sound.....
Also the ramp shot at the rear is really difficult to hit....any pointers?
First things first, I have checked with Sarah (the wife) and she has expressed Interest in any possible part exchanges for a better condition example or a newer model ideally with cash her way! She appears happy with the current shooter rod, but again could be interested in an enlarged modification, but still would want cash her way.

As for me, I would consider a part exchange for a newer model, happy to add cash if I can get a more active gobble hole!

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