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Maiden pin?

While Gary Stern and I were chatting at the NLP I said he should make an Iron Maiden pin. He wrote it down and said a lot of people say that to me.
We can dream.
Think they would struggle to find one song since the early 90s that any non hardcore fan would recognise.;)

Maybe they could have an ex member multiball where you introduce balls to represent a new member and get have to get rid of them in a twilight zone powerball style to get the core line up back.

Theme would lend itself to great artwork though and tracks like Phantom of the Opera would sound great (were there ever versions of the first two albums re-recorded with Bruce singing on them? I suspect they would be loath to give the benefit cheat any more money than they had to)

If spike has a LCD then a special Sooty and Sweep drum off video game?

Fond memories of seeing them at a secret gig back in 89 at a 250 capacity venue in Milton Keynes of all places

Would it sell well? I'd guess as well as Metalllica if it was a good machine. Still a headline band around the world

I actually suspect it will happen, together with an Aerosmith and maybe a ZZ top pin. Have any of the music pins flopped yet? (RS maybe?) Stern probably view these themes as safe releases knowing that a hardcore fanbase of 40 year+ men exist and will lead to a certain amount of sales and carry less risk than a film or TV show,
I think that IRon Maiden would probably outsell the other music pins because from when I have been to their gigs there seems to be a wider age group range than say ac DC.

Loads of kids today like iron maiden and they are still a massive globally liked band

I also fully agree that the artwork would be amazing! Perhaps a flight 666'tour themed pin would be good and a nice Segway for adding the old classic songs on to the pin.

I for one would love to see this more than anything else as a theme
I would sell my children as a down payment if a Maiden pin came out. Totally right about wider demographic, ive seen them live countless times (not the Bailey era of course) and remember one where Bruce Dickinson told the crowd down the front that was getting a bit too rowdy that he'd tell on them to their parents....over there in the seated section. The pin could go in many directions but an Eddie bash toy must be in there!
Wider demographic might not be a good thing though, How many under 30s are going to spunk 7k on a new toy? Even if they have the cash will they have anywhere to store it? There's a reason that Kiss, Metallica, AC/DC etc have sold well and I suspect that reason is getting older, fatter and balder;)
Stern have a lot to get through though: GoT, SM VE, JW, GB and JH it would be nice to see Iron Maiden though
Erm...acronyms for machines that haven't been made yet?!

No idea what some of these are meant to be - maybe I've not read enough threads on upcoming games but I have no idea what these are (my assumption is GoT = Game of Thrones & SM VE = Spiderman Vault Edition, but beyond that I'm lost).

God, alphabet city.....
Got = Game of thrones
JW = Jaws? Jurassic World?
GB = ?
JH = ?

What happened to Fast & Furious? Muppets?
God, alphabet city.....
Got = Game of thrones
JW = Jurassic World?
GB = Ghost Busters
JH = Jimi Hendrix

What happened to Fast & Furious? Not happening
Muppets? Possibly

All of these and JJP will still be on Hobbit, Stern will have made a ridiculous amount of pins since WoZ was first announced
As Iron Maiden is another band that has a large long term fanbase (well at least for their 80's work) it could be a big seller.

But then look at how much they f**ked up with Metallica, that was the most anticipated pin ever, they could of smashed new pin sales records, there were people selling their cars and other personal positions to put down pre-orders, and because Stern p**sed off thousands of people with their attitude towards the release and the incomplete software, so many people in the US boycotted buying one. This was a perfect example of Stern shooting themselves in the foot and selling on a fraction of the units they should have, because of their terrible attitude and you could just imagine them doing it again with something like Iron Maiden. They would hype everyone up into ordering one, and then release some damp squib with most of the features missing.
Not heard the Hendrix rumour before. Guess the nearest recent theme to this would be Elvis. Wonder how important it is for a band/artist to still be around to boost sales.
OMG. Another boring old has-been rock band. Yawnarama...

I'm not anti-rock. Had a retro Metallica flashback only yesterday (and went to see them at Hammersmith Appollo back around '88-89) and I wouldn't say no to dollops of more recent stuff by the likes of Slipknot, but what is this obsession with putting rock bands on pins. It's so cheesy.

When KISS was announced I had to check it wasn't April 1st. Greedy bastards. They've already been immortalised on pinball machine and a much better one at that.

Oops. That turned into a bit of rant but felt there was far too much consensus of opinion on this thread and it was about time someone raised a dissenting voice ;)
OMG. Another boring old has-been rock band. Yawnarama...

I'm not anti-rock. Had a retro Metallica flashback only yesterday (and went to see them at Hammersmith Appollo back around '88-89) and I wouldn't say no to dollops of more recent stuff by the likes of Slipknot, but what is this obsession with putting rock bands on pins. It's so cheesy.

When KISS was announced I had to check it wasn't April 1st. Greedy bastards. They've already been immortalised on pinball machine and a much better one at that.

Oops. That turned into a bit of rant but felt there was far too much consensus of opinion on this thread and it was about time someone raised a dissenting voice ;)
I think if there is enough 'fanship' ( is that a word?) for 2 things that have a possibility to crossover then it could be a viable concept, but only to those concerned, like cheesypeas. Yes music pins are a low risk, and who would go high risk these days? But no one's putting a gun to your head to buy one. I really like cheese. And wine. This burbled message Is probably influenced by both but my point is it would take a genius to make a pin based on those themes and get them to market. Why go small when you can go large? Why go slipknot when you can go maiden? Because the venn diagram says "$$$$$"
Yeah, I know @J.C.Rox o_O But if Stern's next pin isn't yet more dodgy heavy metal then it'll be either be a big cheesy movie franchise or a big cheesy TV franchise. I know it's marketing and they need to sell pins. I just think IRON MAIDEN is a but dull.
I've always associated metallers with pins, just the way it has been for years. Long hairs, beards, pvc jackets , crustys, could go on.

Couldn't care less what Stern are putting out next, same old drivel, over & over. Seriously lacking any innovation compared to everyone else as well.

I would sell my children as a down payment if a Maiden pin came out.

We'll do a swap if you want. You can build the cabinet and do the wiring and I'll give you an IM game.
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