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LW3 wiring problems


May 28, 2014
Hi all,
Here is my problem. Or at least one of my many problems. But this one is pinball related so you might be able to help.
I have a LW3 for which i had to remove the backbox to transport it back home.
I took some quick pictures before disconnecting all the connections in the backbox.
Got it home (actually it is at work but that's irrelevant) reconnected everything to the best of my (very limited) ability using the (incomplete set of) pictures.
Turned it on and ............ it doesn't work properly.
It lights up, you can start a game but can't throw a ball (gun doesn't shoot), the flippers only move very slowly and there are probably many other problems I haven't discovered yet.
So two possible options on what happened:
- either i didn't reconnect everything properly
- or it has developed multiple faults during the transport and reconnection (a distinct possibility as we all know how much pinball machines love to be moved).
The problem is that i am not confident that I got everything reconnected the way it was before (and i forgot to say: it was working before as I checked).
So my options now:
- call Andy N
- try to sort it out myself.
I thought i'd give it a go. This is where the fun begins.
Hence my question: has anyone got a set of pictures of the backbox of a LW3 showing all the connections so that i could try to see if they differ from my connections?
Next question: I have downloaded the instruction manual from ipdb because i thought someone would suggest that. How is that of any use to me? It has drawings after drawings of electrical circuits. I don't understand any of it!
Unplug them all. And reconnect.

Sounds daft but I bet that fixes it. I suspect that one of the connectors is on wrong, but you'll never find it so better to start over.
Can grab some pictures of my project LW3 for you pal,
Give me 5 mins
Have to excuse the badly hacked boards though. It was brought that way.
Dont worry about the hacks, mine is equally bad, I have connectors that seems to have given birth to other connectors... it is weird
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