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Lounge remodelling / Projector Screens


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Jul 6, 2012
Hi Guys

Getting a bit distracted from pinball at the moment.

Almost 7 years at the current house and building works, and only 1 room left to do, the lounge!, and I'm under pressure to get it sorted.

Looking to move my AV equipment into the room, and keep wife approval and hopefully also try to hide a projector and screen :)

Anyone with experience of them here, need blackout blinds?, and what are the better manufacturers of projectors, the 4K models are just massive money so they are out. 1080p should ok with say a 106" screen?

Going to sell a pin or 2 to fund in wall speakers
I don't have any experience, but I read that it's hard (almost impossible?!) to tell the difference between a 720p and a 1080p, so the article said don't bother paying a premium for 1080p, and certainly not 4K. I can't remember where I read it, maybe WhatHifi or something like that.
TV & projector wall.jpg TV Wall - Whole.jpg
Been about a week now and main wall has been studded and 1st fix cables
Hmm, I would say at these sizes, it is definitely worth getting 1080p over 720p. It's usually not noticeable at below something like 40 inches. I have something like an 80" pull down screen in my lounge. It's not totally hidden but it is quite unobtrusive. You won't need the room to be totally blacked out to use a modern projector.
Going to sell a pin or 2 to fund in wall speakers

what you selling then? i see Creature in your signature but no details. and what else?
btw, the man to speak to about projector screens and home cinema is TV's Will Barber - let's get him in here, @Will !
Creature will be up for sale, once I get time to sort a battery contact issue where it doesn't hold the settings.
May be IJ or/and RFM, or this Le Mans 24

Le Mans Finished.JPG
Probably a stoopid question. How do you alter something "for sale" to "gone to ebay". Buggered if i can fathom out how.
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