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Looking for a Whitewater somewhere in the Midlands-ish?????


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales

I'm looking for a whitewater somewhere in the Midlands that I might be able to come along to and take some High Resolution Pictures of the underside of the playfield??

As you may know, I'm re-constructing a Wh2o, and whilst there are some reasonable resolution Pics of various areas under the Playfield, none are high res enough for me to be able to pick out certain bits.

So I'm looking for some kind soul that might be able to put up with me for an hour or so this week whilst I take shed loads of high res pictures of the underside of the Playfield so i can aid the reconstruction of mine. Just pics - I wont be asking you to disect any of it :D

Anyone have one i can use as a Pic Doner at all please??

Hi Paul. You're welcome to come along to Oundle and snap away if that's Midlands enough for you?
I have one in the Pipeline, you can take some this weekend if you are able to make the launch party?
Hi Paul. You're welcome to come along to Oundle and snap away if that's Midlands enough for you?

Many thanks :) Might take you up on that depending on what I find :)

Yes, however you cant blow those up any more, else would have been ideal :)

I have one in the Pipeline, you can take some this weekend if you are able to make the launch party?

I wish Matt - I have a house full of kids this weekend tho :(
Some kind of database of images such as this would be really nice.

I had the same issue with getting pictures of the underside of the playfield on my R&B. I know there's a lot of images out there on sites such as the Pinball Owners Database but it seems most people don't bother uploading photos of such areas.
Lets just say i have around 10Gb of server storage.... ;)

EDIT : no point in Cab pics - Just PF and under-Pf pics as those are the hardest to get hold of :D
I'm not sure about supported resolutions but even providing a link to a Flickr album would be better than what is available out there now.

And Flickr currently offer 1TB of storage space per user for free.

I've got a stack of pictures from my R&B hosted on Flickr right now (of varying parts and differing quality). http://flickr.com/gp/55949208@N08/238QpD/
Some kind of database of images such as this would be really nice.

I had the same issue with getting pictures of the underside of the playfield on my R&B. I know there's a lot of images out there on sites such as the Pinball Owners Database but it seems most people don't bother uploading photos of such areas.

Do you still need some pictures of Underside of Rocky and Bullwinkle ?

Let me know what you need and Ill snap a few shots and upload them.

Dont suppose you have a good shot of Nell ? I have a very poor quality printout stuck on there at the moment.

Got to agree that hosting on flickr will ultimately be better than hosting on here, 10gb sounds bigg but it doesnt take long to fill that with high res pictures.

Maybe we should start a group and everyone just upload their pinball pictures ? I will have a look and see whats involved
Any images you can provide would be appreciated, although I eventually got an answer to my question by doing a fair amount of searching online. My issue was that I was missing the playfield supports and I wasn't quite sure what they should look like or where they should go. I've figured that one out and now i've got some replacement supports on their way from the USA.

But yeah, photos would still be appreciated just for reference purposes.

I've got Nell on mine so i'll try to see what I can do about grabbing a scan of it. I'll take a look tonight and get back to you.
Ok no probs I will take a few general shots later and get them uploaded. You can then ask for more detailed ones as you need them.

Ok it seems there are already a few pinball groups on flickr (one that is over 8 years old with over 4ooo pictures) We could tag onto that but i would guess a pinball rebuild group might be better for our use.

I will start a group and upload some Rocky and Bullwinkle pictures later
Stick Playfield pics for R&B here please : http://www.pinballinfo.com/community/media/categories/rocky-and-bullwinkle.5/
High-res Playfield pics for WhiteWater : http://www.pinballinfo.com/community/media/categories/whitewater.6/

If anyone has hi-res playfield pics for a machine - Just ping me a massage saying what machine it is, and i'll create a directory for it..... Rather keep them all tidy and in their own directories than all over the place.

I was thinking about using an external store, however we loose control of them then.... :(
Thanks Paul,

I'll actually take some better shots over the next few days and get those put online. The ones I have in Flickr are a little random and some areas of the playfield have been missed.
The problem with Flickr is getting them as High Res - The act of loading them there means you cant zoom RIGHT in to the part that you need.

The gallery here you can download pics at original size....
Group is called 'Pinball Rebuilds' if anyone wants to try uploading

I will put some stuff on later

flickr now allows hires in free area... (Used to only be in paid for area)
I was thinking if we can get maybe 20 under playfield shots of each machine in HIGH res (i.e. 10mb) then you should be able to zoom into ANY part of the PF quite clearly....
I've added a single shot to the Flickr Group just to see how it looks.

I'll take some better images over the next day or two.
Nice work Paul.

Not had much time to take photos tonight - but i'll be sure to get some uploaded for R&B in the next day or so. :)
I took a few tester shots last night (pretty poor shots with dodgy shadows etc*)

Stuck them up on flickr group

Search flickr for 'pinball rebuilds' group and then search tag 'rocky & bullwinkle' (not really needed yet as there is only one set of pics, but for future use)

*Shot taken using built in flash, shadows came from large lens and hood
hello paul i have a wh2o if you want to see it and have a few games, i`m in alcester near stratford on avon,
Could some kind soul take a pic for me of both sides of the kicker 2/3rds of the way up on the left side please? Need to know which wires go to which pads on the optos, and of course, all the overhead shots dont show it clearly enough as they are directly above....

Thanks in advance
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