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Wanted Looking for a ‘Houdini’

It is a little marmite but that trunk shot is like wow and it’s bomb proof and very well built too.
I got a massive high score of 24,000 😏

Having played it at the weekend it's really fun, it's difficult because the shots are very tight, it reminds me a bit in shooting to terminator 3, you had to be very precise to hit the ramps, which Houdini is similar to. After a good couple of games I did get better getting 814,000 just not for the league game 😀. I think it's a good example of what can be done without a known licence. Like any pin always good to try before you buy.
I had one too. Really well built, playfield bullet proof.. A bit suspect on flipper strength when a lot is going on in the game. AP we’re trying to get to the bottom of this..
I had one too. Really well built, playfield bullet proof.. A bit suspect on flipper strength when a lot is going on in the game. AP we’re trying to get to the bottom of this..

Probably over heating like some of the sterns

That was solved already by AP. You can order a power supply upgrade, a coil performance kit and two end of stroke switch. They will even credit $150 back to your account.

@Hiltoncriss - have you changed the mains wiring from the IEE mains socket on the back to the switch box? They had only installed very small diameter cables. I had one blow apart in tilt.

PS - those upgraded power supplies you can get off amazon for less than a quarter of that price.
@Hiltoncriss - have you changed the mains wiring from the IEE mains socket on the back to the switch box? They had only installed very small diameter cables. I had one blow apart in tilt.

PS - those upgraded power supplies you can get off amazon for less than a quarter of that price.
How right you are. After about a few months the game didn’t start. The varistor was toasted. I changed the cables in the same day.

I have a few 48v PSUs on stock as I was using them for something else. I just need to order the “Coil performance improvement kit” but looking closely now I see that it’s a simple capacitor. I have that as well… and I have quite a few eos switches… so when I will have a bit of time, will attend to that.
How right you are. After about a few months the game didn’t start. The varistor was toasted. I changed the cables in the same day.

I have a few 48v PSUs on stock as I was using them for something else. I just need to order the “Coil performance improvement kit” but looking closely now I see that it’s a simple capacitor. I have that as well… and I have quite a few eos switches… so when I will have a bit of time, will attend to that.
Trouble using switched mode psu's with coils. Stern do it right.
Houdini is a great machine. yea, it's a bit hard, but that gives it longevity.
6months in and I still look forward to the finding free time to play it.

oo, maybe it's that time right now... ;)
Bumping this up as I’m still looking. Anybody got one who knows of one I’d appreciate a message. Thank you.
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