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Wanted Loan of coin mech to fit WOZ


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Jul 24, 2011
North West UK
I'm lending my WOZ to my kids' school for their summer fair in July, with the school being the beneficiary of any takings, via the PTA. But unfortunately my WOZ doesn't have a coin mech.

Does anyone have a coin mech and cash tin that would fit WOZ that I could borrow in July? I'm not sure what to charge for games, a pound for three goes, or 50p a go? So open to ideas from anyone who has done this before. If £1 though, then I guess the mech would need to accept the new shaped coins.
I brought my Addams family into work for a week for a mental health charity, charged 50p a go or 3 for £1. A fight nearly broke out when I was lifting it again (I was happy to leave it for a while longer but the MD wasn't so happy)
My thinking on the 50p rather than £1 was people would stick 50p without thinking about it whereas £1 is more of an investment..
Raised £140 for the charity with it :thumbs:
I brought my Addams family into work for a week for a mental health charity, charged 50p a go or 3 for £1. A fight nearly broke out when I was lifting it again (I was happy to leave it for a while longer but the MD wasn't so happy)
My thinking on the 50p rather than £1 was people would stick 50p without thinking about it whereas £1 is more of an investment..
Raised £140 for the charity with it :thumbs:

Good advice, cheers @BigIan
Also, I'm guessing it's probably an SR3 mech? I don't have any of them but if it uses a c220 I have one of them you can borrow with a tray
I'm not sure which it needs, and the manual didn't help - hopefully someone who knows will be on later and can advise. I just had a look and have a C220B in in another machine if that'd work? I guess I'd have to get it fixed somehow so that it could accept the new £1 coin, but that'd be OK, as long as it would work :hmm:
I brought my Addams family into work for a week for a mental health charity, charged 50p a go or 3 for £1. A fight nearly broke out when I was lifting it again (I was happy to leave it for a while longer but the MD wasn't so happy)
My thinking on the 50p rather than £1 was people would stick 50p without thinking about it whereas £1 is more of an investment..
Raised £140 for the charity with it :thumbs:
Left mine in a server room at work for 5months, so only the techies really knew about it.... 2500 games later it was traded and now resides in Tilt. If only I was business-minded!
Here's a couple of pics of the slot and pcb in the WOZ - can anyone identify from these pics the type of mech is needs? It doesn't look anything like the C220B in my TOTAN, so must be something else.


could be SR3 or CR3. wont have interface as will be different from Stern and my spare mechs came from vending machines
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