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Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Currently in my local pub having a meal and the bar staff have just refused to serve my daughter a cider with her meal.

Now, she’s just under 17. Eating and with her parents.

Is it actually legal to refuse to serve her purely based on her age?

They are trying to cite company policy of not serving under 18s.

I pointed out age discrimination is illegal. Would they refuse to serve someone who is disabled? I’m guessing not.

Not the biggest deal breaker but basically it’s annoyed me. She’s legally allowed to drink but they are treating her differently purely based on age.

I’m obviously not going to win this argument but I’m taking the tip off the bill when it arrives 😂
Although she can legally have a cider (or porter) with a 'substantial meal' she's not allowed to purchase it.

However, the landlord/licensee/company have the right to refuse ANYONE service without giving a reason - although in this case they did.

Looks like you're just going to have to buy the drinks until her birthday.

(Disclaimer it's been over 15 years since I held a liquor license, but I doubt the legalities have changed significantly since then),
Thanks Wayne.

It was me ordering.

The reason for refusing was purely based on her age. This is what annoyed me. Age is one of the protected characteristics and yet she’s being treated differently purely based on that.
This topic came up in conversations eating out with friends last night funnily enough.
When certain establishments in the U.S refuse to acknowledge our driving license as official I.D and demand a passport :mad: Now that gets me wound up big time.
I got refused in B&M trying to buy a single bottle of beer because Matt was with me

He provided his passport and proved he was 18. The woman at the tills tried to refuse still as he was only just over 18 at the time (maybe by two months)

So a 50 year old was unable to buy a drink as he was near a 18 year old. In the end we had to call a manager over 🤷‍♂️
both my daughters splashed 60£ of their own cash to get a decent fake id when they both hit 16 and started going out out.
The guy or gal who has the license can decide to sell or not sell to anyone.
Indeed the laws are slightly different if you are eating.
They can say - we do not serve anyone in jeans and T shirts.....
Now if they refused to serve someone in a wheelchair lets say, then the press etc wouldnt like it - neither would social media.

Now the B&M matter is another thing. I would of stood there and drank it in front of her.
I think last night was the first time I’ve never ever tipped. They basically lost just under £20 as a results of their decision (+ the drink). In hindsight £20 seems quite a lot for service for 4 pizzas and and a bottle of wine.
If its your 18th birthday and it's 0001 am you can legally buy alcohol. The person in b@m is an idiot BUT can refuse to serve for another reason.

The daft rules about having a cider with a meal etc needs sorting out luckily at Fife street we didn't do food.
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