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Licences that never got made.....


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Aug 10, 2014
Ian Walmsley
Was thinking this the other day, to my knowledge there has never been an A-Team pin made bar this one:


Seems a bit surprising considering how huge the TV series was and could have made a great theme for a table.

What other licences could have done with a pin being made that would have worked.
The Crystal Maze could be have been cool, split the table up into the zones, modes are puzzles from the show etc.

This came into my head after watching that gash history of quiz shows the other day. Pretty much spot on the same, wideboy split zones, maybe as 4 mini playfields.

The old timeshock dome in the middle, get smashed to pieces.
Had a new bloke start work at my place this week, his surname is Taggart. Now there's a theme for a table, imagine a 'Murder Multiball' with Jimmy Taggart shouting 'Theres been a murder' with every jackpot :)
I realise it would probably have limited appeal, especially today, but I think a Minder pin would be fantastic! But probably the Terry era, rather than Ray (and definitely not Shane Richie!) :)
Only Fools & Horses would be decent, popular.

Or Boon..........(coat) ;)
Ulysses 31 would of been awesome especially with its kick ass theme

Or jayce and the wheeled warriors another cool series with a kick ass theme song

I think ghost in the shell would be an awesome theme for a pin great movies and series

A few different curveballs there
Ghostbusters is the greatest missed pinball opertunity of all time.
Could have been awesome.

Trust me mate , someone's gotta take this on one day, just to stop peeps banging on about it, then they can moan it ain't good enough and license was wasted ;)

Some of this guys ideas are great for GB:



E please bobby.
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Yeah those pics are all great ideas. I agree that it will be done one day. I was half expecting Skit B to go for it for their second game. Oh well....maybe number 3.
It'd be perfect timing for a GB pin in the next year or two, what with a Ghost Busters reboot being in development.
It'd be perfect timing for a GB pin in the next year or two, what with a Ghost Busters reboot being in development.
Maybe Ghostbusters could be done as a Rentaghost / Blockbuster mashup?
Just imagine - I'll have an E please Mr Claypole then that witch thing could play the Baker Street saxophone riff

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