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LED for MOD Question

Optimus Prime

Mar 8, 2016
Hi Guys,

Im trying to copy a mod i seen online for my fishtales pin. It involves adding a monster fish to the playfield and adding flashing eyes to it for when you activate the monster fish spinner. You probably have seen it before anyways, i seen the guy who originally did it selling them online, its pretty cool.

Ive done it anyways and it has a connection on it that goes in the where the normal bulb on the playfield is, see images below. the only issue im having is the LEDs are not very bright, not sure if this is just down to the power going to them? its says they are bright at 12v but fainter at 5v.

does anyone know where i can get 3mm Red LEDs that would light up more? I bought about 6 of these fish guys to do it on (practice on!) so have plenty spare to try again! See images below. I bought the current LEDS off ebay and they came from china i think, its hard to tell which ones are good because they all say ultra bright anyways! (including this one!)

Thanks a lot

fishtale1.jpg fishtale2.jpg fishtale3.jpg fishtale4.jpg fishtale5.jpg
I'd say your feeding 6.3v AC straight in the DC leds.
You need to get a rectifier circuit out of an off the shelf pinball LED like comet or something.
This took a lot more messing around then I'd care to admit haha. It's not the prettiest wiring ever underneat but it worked in the end. The rectifier made the difference alright !

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