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Labyrinth, from Barrels of fun!

Definitely a film of the era and not one that I remember too fondly,other than my 1st sight of Jennifer Connolly, who on the other hand has aged perfectly!
You can tell that from a blurry photoshopped image…lol
My initial impression is what muppet picked the translite?
Well it doesn’t have a stupid shape cabinet , it’s got Bowie on it and art doesn’t look drag and drop so far it’s interesting … course the pin might still be a turd
Must admit labyrinth does nothing for me , I couldn’t get with the film as a kid

Yeah it's not one you'd go back to, cringy. Half decent film for most kids though, I would put it just under the level of the Never Ending Story because you have an epic horse death in that.
Yeah it's not one you'd go back to, cringy. Half decent film for most kids though, I would put it just under the level of the Never Ending Story because you have an epic horse death in that.
Yeah, it's not *really* a kids' film. I think you need to be a teenage girl (ideally one into David Bowie) to fully appreciate it. I'm personally not into David Bowie, but I liked it as a teenager because it has this vibe of being a film about "being a straight teenage girl who abruptly puts aside childish things when a dark, dangerous and slightly edgy older guy takes an interest in her"... 😈

I rewatched it as an adult, largely to explain to my older son why his little brother wearing a red stripy babygro prompted me to dance around the room to "Magic Dance" (Jump, Baby, Jump!). My older son was not impressed by Labyrinth (he's not a teenage girl), but it's not s**t. It's weird, but I like weird films.
I wouldn't say it's specifically a girls movie
Ens of day it has muppets in and wanted to appeal to the masses that's why Bowie did it
There was loads of movies of that era you could breakdown now and say it was for this or that
Same goes for the fashion/music
I just remember enjoying it for what it was same as never ending story
Leah and her sister were 5 & 8 when they watched this in the cinema, and have been obsessed with it since.

I was more familiar with Dark Crystal.
I remember preferring Dark Crystal, but - yeah - it's set up to appeal to multiple audiences.

[And TBH, my older son is currently WAAYYYY more interested in technology-enabled supervillains than fantasy. I blame Hollywood, which never sees a supervillain that they can't code as a very smart autistic guy. As I don't want my son to commit $8bn of wire fraud or destroy the world with giant robots, I do wish TV shows would find some other supervillain trope. Or, at least, code a smart autistic male character who was aspirational AND a generally good bloke]...
Collab now between JJP and Mystery Pinball...

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