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"Keepers" - take 2!


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10 Years
Nov 10, 2011
Mark Sunnucks
I was going to post on the keepers thread that someone started yesterday, but I think it got lost when the site got restored from that backup..... so let's try again!

Do you have any "keeper" machines that will never leave, do you only move machines in and out, or do you have a combination? What are your keepers?

My only keeper is F-14 Tomcat. I don't want to think about how much of my student grant went into the pinball machines at Warwick Uni between 1986 and 1989, but I know a large chunk of it ended up inside the F-14 there. It was that line of 6 or 7 machines that got me hooked on pinball, although it wasn't until 10 years ago or so that I had space for one of my own. Now mine is getting new playfield, new cab art and getting a P-ROC code makeover including autolauncher for more multiball options. Never leaving here :)

Probably AFM, because i'm putting the most effort into rebuilding it, but I've not owned any machines for long enough to say. Then again the more i play TZ the more i appreciate it.

although it wasn't until 10 years ago or so that I had space for one of my own.

Only happened last year for me! Merely 20yrs of waiting...
Black Knight 2000

Circa 1990 there was very dingy dirty arcade in Gateshead where ever machine was 10p. Lurking in the corner was a battered but working BK2K, it got me hooked with it's brutal difficulty and amazing music. Never looked back.
All mine are keepers except possibly CFTBL, FH and maybe Congo and have about 18-20 machines, the shorter list by far would be which ones are not keepers ;)
I almost never sell machines. If I go to the effort of restoring a machine, it's unlikely I am going to ever sell it unless I really get bored of it or I am in desperate need of money
Every game I buy started out as a keeper - then I sell them. No one believes what I say any more so all I will say out of all the current games - IM may be a keeper as it has gone beyond the year mark - a huge milestone;)
All my machines have loads of time and effort in each of them, and 2 of them I had to drive half way across Europe for, but as for moving any of them on I would never say never!
At one point I thought I was turning into the east midlands version of @SOUTH COAST SLAM as most times I got a new game I said it was a keeper ;) :D Whirlwind, I'm never letting that go......GONE, Shadow, love this game never leaving......GONE, Indiana Jones, grail pin that I always wanted......GONE :rofl:

Now I don't say any of them are keepers but the last two to leave would be Addams Family and Flash Gordon.
Oooooooooooh, Never say never.

I have had pins that I said its never leaving and eventually it did. I have had pins that I have spent a fortune on because they were keepers and even they are gone.
The only keeper should be a machine that you know if you sell it you will never be able to replace it, but I have also let those go.

Keepers ? There is no such thing.
Think the only keeper that I have sold was my 2nd STTNG, doubt I will own another one but always say you never know ;)
I was going to post on the keepers thread that someone started yesterday,

That'd be me :) And I have no concept of a keeper. Just cannot imagine it. I just seem to stop playing a games completely and then it's bye bye. Henec I don;t really spend loads on things like LEDs or mods, 'cos I know they'll be gone in 6 months.
I was going to post on the keepers thread that someone started yesterday, but I think it got lost when the site got restored from that backup..... so let's try again!

Do you have any "keeper" machines that will never leave, do you only move machines in and out, or do you have a combination? What are your keepers?

My only keeper is F-14 Tomcat. I don't want to think about how much of my student grant went into the pinball machines at Warwick Uni between 1986 and 1989, but I know a large chunk of it ended up inside the F-14 there. It was that line of 6 or 7 machines that got me hooked on pinball, although it wasn't until 10 years ago or so that I had space for one of my own. Now mine is getting new playfield, new cab art and getting a P-ROC code makeover including autolauncher for more multiball options. Never leaving here :)


Certain pins would be so hard to replace,even tho they would cost less than 1k if available so MGOW and Tx would be in that category.And AFM my fave game,and one of the longest serving one here-about 7 years.

And of course,Ramones ,natch
On the back of that, anyone regretted selling a machine and have not managed to replace since? most things are replaceable if money is no object although it always seems harder to pay more for a machine that is worse than one you shifted for less prior.
I wish, I think I have singlehandedly talked up the prices :rofl:Tw*t !!
I will send you a list of my collection, maybe you can work your magic on them too ;)
STTNG is going nowhere - 1st machine I got, had it 18 years now.


Probably for the best, moving a STTNG is hernia recipe :D
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On the back of that, anyone regretted selling a machine and have not managed to replace since? most things are replaceable if money is no object although it always seems harder to pay more for a machine that is worse than one you shifted for less prior.

Traded a VERY nice scared stiff, for a ****ty example of a TAF. The only time that I fell victim to that nostalgia curse where I just HAD to have it, in any condition. Less than a month later, It was replaced with the almighty TRON!!!
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