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Judge Dredd dmd problem


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 30, 2011
Is anyone near Wootton Beds that could look at a guys JD. The display was working fine but now on switch on its like its trying to work but failing.
If you pm me i'll pass his phone no on. Thanks Ken
First thing to try would to disconnect / reconnect the ribbon cables (with machine switched off). When reconnecting take care to ensure that the plugs are aligned and not just connected on one row!

This can cure many strange faults - it you’re lucky!
I think you need more information. What does trying to work but failing mean?

A video would be useful

Is the machine working otherwise, or is it really resetting itself and the display is flashing on in unison?
From what he tells me and from what i heard down the end of a phone. Switch on and you hear one bong, the machine is then in attract mode. He can play a game(s) but the display is flickering with dots here and there.
Don't know how i'm gonna get a vid though.
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