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Judge Dredd display image; where else have I seen it?

Jay Walker

Apr 19, 2013
Swansea, U.K.
I have a nagging little query buzzing away at my memory just now - one of the Crime Scenes on Judge Dredd is "x years for solicititation", with a mug-shot shown on the display. I'm sure it was used again later (I thought when I saw it 'that's the tom from Judge Dredd'), but just can't recall on what game or what occasion. Anyone know?

Of course, Judge Dredds' "Mad Bomber" was the shouty lad featured in Creature from Black Lagoon, Mr. Trudeaus' previous game, so it may be a subsequent one that I'm thinking of.

Yes, could well be. It wouldn't have 'fixed' in my memory since I've only played JunkYard a couple of times. At first I thought Johnny Mnemonic, since it and Judge Dredd are both 'Sci-fi future' themes.
Put a picture up and it may jog some memories. Cactus Canton Continued also has many nods back to older games
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