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Complete Johnny Mnemonic re-decal etc

Installed and almost fully working, the drop target was going mental, which I think is due to it needing a new reset plate. It's also humming really loudly, which I think is the transformer, maybe that's what the folded up beermat was for.

IMG_20180403_213821 (Medium).jpg
Installed and almost fully working, the drop target was going mental, which I think is due to it needing a new reset plate. It's also humming really loudly, which I think is the transformer, maybe that's what the folded up beermat was for.

View attachment 62439

Looks fab, been reading this thread. Fantastic job!

I remember when I got my JM I thought the transformer was super loud, it's apparently common so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Hmm, drop target going up but not down properly. I need to figure that one out.
The game is fooked. You have caused serious problems. These will spread.

Get rid, quick. To me
The game is fooked. You have caused serious problems. These will spread.

Get rid, quick. To me

Would I have to offer you some renumeration for taking it off my hands?
A cuppa tea would suffice.

Great to see a jm that is not faded to hell
I 3D printed a drop target reset plate, totally unnecessary when I could make one out of steel but good fun and it works. I've also had to replace some wires to the hand switch so no more credit dot :)
Doh! Glove never went wrong for me.

It was just the ball in hand switch, the wiring was a bit iffy and I got a credit dot very soon after I got it home. The wiring eventually fell apart completely and much fun was had watching the glove do crazy antics while it tried to figure out if it was holding a ball or not.
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